March checklist

Your March Checklist | Kings Plant Barn

Autumn is now here, and harvest season is in full swing! Remember to continue watering and feeding your veggies as they produce the last of their crops. Plan ahead and make sure your early spring bulbs and winter veggie garden are planted by the end of the month.

Plant Now


March is the time to start thinking about your winter veggie garden. Start staggering crops by planting out seedlings at different times to have a continued harvest later. Direct sow carrot and parsnip seeds. Plant seedlings of cabbage, kale, beetroot, broccoli, lettuce, coriander and parsley.


Trees: Autumn is natures planting time for trees and shrubs. Plant out citrus, guavas, avocado and feijoas. For best results, plant two different feijoa (or avocados) varieties to ensure good pollination. Plant an earlier season and a later season variety to extend your harvest.

Trees & Shrubs

Camellias: These easy-to-grow evergreen shrubs produce an abundance of gorgeous flowers. Early varieties bloom from autumn through to winter. Great as hedging or as a feature plant.

Hedging: Plan out where your shrubs and hedging will go before planting – this is the perfect time to relandscape your property. Look at add natives such as Corokia, Hebes and Griselinias, as well as classic hedgings like Buxus, olive and laurel.

Flowers & Perennials

Instant Colour: Flowers such as marigolds, gazanias, and petunias will last well into autumn. As it cools, start to plant winter flowering annuals such as pansy, viola, and polyanthus. 

Perennials: Garden Mum Chrysanthemums come in various colours and look stunning indoors and out.
Cyclamen, flowering from autumn through winter, is the perfect way to darken up those shadier spots in the yard.

Spring Bulbs: Early spring bulbs are now in stock for 2022, with different varieties arriving each week. Grab your favourites now.



Harvest your summer veggies, including tomatoes and courgettes, to encourage late fruiting. Keep on top of weeds, so they don’t become a problem later.

Fruit Trees

Harvest all your pip and stone fruit. If you have too much, either use them in sauces and jams after later use or give them to a food collection station in your community. Give your plants a light prune after fruiting.


Sprinkle your lawn with SaturAid to retain moisture and water with collected rainwater or greywater.


Get the fridge and freezer ready as you will be harvesting beans, pumpkin, kumara, potatoes, capsicum, chillies, courgettes, passionfruit, grapes, watermelon, plums, peaches, nectarines, Nashi pears, eggplants, sweetcorn, apples and squash.

Looking for more help or expert garden advice? Come in-store to talk to our friendly staff, or give us a call on 0800 PLANTS for general inquiries.