Working At Home | Vicky Ha of House of Dumplings

Verve finds out how Vicky Ha of House of Dumplings is doing during lockdown.


What’s changed about your business?

We lost 70 percent of our business overnight as all our events and shows were cancelled.


Do you see yourself coming out of this with a better idea of changes you wish to make to your business?

I think the people who are affected most during this lockdown are those in the service industry because people can’t really work from home for that. It is a pandemic, it affects both demand and supply at the same time. Is this going to be a depression rather than a recession?

We have seen a huge increase in online purchases, which is a new opportunity. However, all online buying systems would still need to rely on a delivery service. So, if we explore this area, we are still at the mercy of a third party. How can I get around this?


Any special plans for the weekend?

I need to clean all the windows around the house and re-pot plants in the greenhouse!


How are you handling all this extra time at home?

There is not enough time in the day to do everything. There are a lot of webinars available at the moment—it’s a really great time to upskill. Also, with less noise going on with my life and the daily running around, I get to spend more time and quietly reassess what I can improve in my business.


Soundtrack of choice whilst working at home?

FIP, a French national radio station, is the background in my headphones at all times!


What’s for breakfast?

Poached eggs with last night’s potato gratin. Yum!


Where do you like to get your news from?

Al Jazeera and The Guardian.

Walk the dog or downward dog?

No dog because I’m barely able to look after myself. Yoga, no chance. It bores me to hell!


Working at home, what’s for lunch?

I made a sourdough starter at the beginning of the lockdown, which I call the coronavirus starter. So, ciabatta dough is in the oven as we speak, and will be served with some leftover parsnip soup and garlic butter. All made from scratch, of course!


Lockdown larder essentials you can’t do without?

Assorted leaves and flowers for tea.


Dinner venue you can’t wait to get back to, post-lockdown?

Don’t really eat out much.


Evening beauty or betterment routine?

Betterment 100 percent. Looks fade, but knowledge is power.


Your look for working at home, what do you like to wear to get into the mood?

PJs all day, bring it on!



Least favourite thing about working from home?

Sick of sitting on my butt all day, the same position sucks. I think I am wearing down this chair, fast and hard!



Anything else you would like to add?

I think we need to organise a goodbye Covid-19 party, get everyone to dress up, eat with our fingers without worrying about washing our hands and give everyone a group hug!


You can purchase dumplings from House of Dumplings at all New Zealand supermarkets.