Verve reviews Thea’s Matcha Powder

"The addition of Thea Matcha Powder to my morning smoothie gives me both the energy to smash a great early morning workout, as well as a solid brain boost to keep me sharp at my desk throughout my workday."

Having lived in both Melbourne and Paris, it’s somewhat of a miracle that I’ve never been a coffee drinker. Not to mention I’m a 5am gym-goer,  so on weekdays my alarm goes off at 4:20am!

I love a good energy boost in the morning as much as the next person, and while I’m often tempted by the smell and the taste of a well-made coffee, it always leaves me feeling restless and irritable. Sure I feel more alert and awake, but as soon as I try to concentrate or apply myself to a task it’s as if the lights are on but nobody’s home.

A little while ago I heard about Matcha Powder and hesitantly ordered a Matcha Latte to accompany my Saturday brunch fare. My friends looked on with scepticism, “Really?” they asked, “it just looks so …. green.” I was pleasantly surprised with my choice and found it to taste quite similar to green tea but with a milky texture and a sweet aftertaste. But the thing that struck me the most was the increased energy levels I had throughout the day, without feeling jittery and wired.



Since then, I’ve been on the hunt to find a good Matcha powder that I can add to my go-to weekday breakfast of a green smoothie (made with spinach, avocado, banana, peanut butter and almond milk). One of the standout qualities of Thea Matcha Powder is that it doesn’t clump, so my smoothies still have a nice smooth, creamy texture with no yucky lumps! Plus, Thea has nailed the fine balance between L-Theanines and caffeine in their matcha (more on these soon) – meaning it’s an exceptionally high quality blend.

The addition of Thea Matcha Powder to my morning smoothie gives me both the energy to smash a great early morning workout, as well as a solid brain boost to keep me sharp at my desk throughout my workday. I’ve also noticed that I can focus easily without getting distracted – I can attest to the fact that the serotonin and dopamine in matcha boosts memory and enhances concentration.



There’s really no better way to tackle the hustle of the working week than bringing a sense of simultaneous sense of calmness and alertness to your day. This is where L-Theanine comes in. L-Theanine is an amino acid that is naturally present within green and black tea and is known to help with relaxation without causing drowsiness. When you pair up caffeine with L-Theanine, it counteracts the simulation of your adrenal glands and rise in blood pressure that is normally caused by drinking coffee – which is why this combination of L-Theanine and caffeine is such a win. Increased energy without putting your body into fight or flight mode unnecessarily!

Due to the slow release of caffeine throughout the day, ½ a teaspoon of Matcha added to my morning smoothie was sufficient to get me through the day, plus I didn’t experience my normal 3pm energy slump. Thea’s 100g tin of Premium Organic Matcha Powder is great value for $60 as it will last you around 2 months.

While adding Matcha Powder to my morning smoothie is the most practical choice for me, I also treated myself to a Refreshing Iced Matcha Tea after my Saturday hot yoga class – this will definitely be my go-to during the hot summer months. Matcha Powder can also be added to baking, check out these recipes for Matcha Cookies, Matcha Cheesecakes and more on Thea’s website!

Thea’s Matcha Powder is has absolutely become a pantry-staple for me – I’ll be signing up to a subscription!

Ashlee Lala
