
So much to watch, so little time: Unpregnant

This month Verve’s star teen movie reviewer,  Lucy Kennedy, takes a look at female buddy road comedy-drama, Unpregnant.


Rated PG-13

Unpregnant opens with 17-year-old Veronica Clarke (Haley Lu Richardson) taking a pregnancy test in a school bathroom. It’s positive and ends up in the hands of her ex-best friend Bailey Butler (Barbie Ferreira). Veronica decides she can’t keep the pregnancy, but the closest place she can have the procedure is Albuquerque – a 14-hour car ride away. Veronica doesn’t have a car and soon realises there’s only one person to turn to who will make the 14-hour road trip with her: Bailey. 

This film, directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg, isn’t just some forgettable teen movie, but rather one that stays with you thanks to its themes of support, bravery, and the process of figuring out who your real friends are. The characters have a history of being best friends and we get to witness from both sides as to why their friendship ended which adds further perspective to the film. Who will stay by your side, to be there for support when you truly need it? 

This comedy-drama crams in a road trip, controversy, and heartbreak as it deals with family, and life expectations and obligations in a thoughtful way. Unpregnant is modern in its message of considering personal choices and ways of thinking, striking the right balance between humour and heartbreak as it manages to deal with some fairly heavy subject matter in a comical way. 4/5 stars

Available to stream on Neon.

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