The Ultimate Lift

Clinic 42

Profhilo Structura was launched last month at the New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine (NZSCM) conference in Queenstown with New Zealand being the fourth country in the world to get this new, exciting and innovative product. Dr Ellen Selkon of Clinic 42 was the first injector in NZ to gain experience with this new and innovative product.

Structura offers patients the opportunity not to radically change their appearance; but to improve their look, correct small defects and have a fresher overall appearance.


Structura is designed to lift without widening. By improving adipose (fat) tissue though ‘lipolifting’, Structura helps restore facial structure, lifting and supporting the mid-face, thereby reducing wrinkles and giving a general improvement in the overall appearance of the skin.


It’s the only product on the market to help reverse the ageing of the fat cells in the face. The superficial fat cells that age are responsible for a lot of contour changes that we see on the face as we age and by reversing this process you create lift and a rejuvenated look.


It works on a cellular level enhancing collagen, elastin and restoring fat cells to enhance the superficial fat layer in the face.


Patients are characterised as either Sinkers or Saggers, which everyone over the age of 35 can probably relate to.


If you have a thinner skin and tissue density, and increased visibility of your underlying bone structure giving a sunken in or hollowed appearance, then you are most likely a Sinker.


While if your skin is thicker or denser, there is some laxity, and your jowls are an area of concern, or you feel heavier towards the lower half of your face, you might be a Sagger.


These categories help guide the practitioner in their treatment approach and discussion with the patient. But ultimately each treatment will be tailored to the patient’s specific needs.


Sinkers may need maximum vertical structural support to enhance that sunken in appearance, Saggers need both horizontal and vertical lifting to counteract the changes in fat as they age.


The result however will not be a widening of the face which can sometimes occur with overtreatment using traditional fillers.


The treatment regime follows the same protocol as traditional Profhilo and Profhilo Body, 2 treatments with a 30-day interval, then 4-6-monthly maintenance treatments.


Cost:  $900 per treatment
Treatment Time:  30 mins

If you are interested in booking an appointment or finding out more about any of the treatments available at Clinic 42, visit our website at or contact our reception 09 638 4242 or


PROFHILO® STRUCTURA containing low and high molecular weight Hyaluronic acid is a class 3 medical device for face treatment and for restoring adipose tissues -in the dermal tissue repair process, and in cases of acne scars. PROFHILO® STRUCTURA has risks and benefits. Do not use it along with treatments such as laser resurfacing or medium/deep skin peeling. Do not inject into inflamed areas or intravenously or intramuscularly. Possible side effects are pain, itching or swelling at the injection site. Dermocosmetica Pty Ltd. Auckland.
TAPS BG4145.