
The Strand Vet: Pet Healthcare

Love of our most precious things — our environment, our brothers and sisters, the animals we share this world with — collide with our conscience in the year 2020. At the epicentre sits our veterinary health professionals.


They remain the gatekeepers of a better world through their multifaceted roles in safeguarding our planet. We know our vocation — to look after our animals so they can, in turn, nurture and nourish us all.


We’re stepping up to the plate by championing preventative medicine. As companion animal vets, this means building well-mannered, strong, resilient, immunocompetent pets resulting in a long and quality life. And remember that’s not just for the pet, studies show living with a dog decreases mortality rates by 25 percent.


However, circumstances – our financial or material welfare ― affect us all over a lifetime. I personally found, especially in my worst times, the most precious things indeed began to shine.


Top of my ‘things I couldn’t live without’ list was my then sole companion, my beloved Labrador. Homeless, struggling financially but never lonely, with her beside me I was happy.


Sure, I needed to make decisions about the ‘could and couldn’t do with outs’ – a daily coffee, a weekly house clean, the car that had to go back. My ultimate wish would have been knowing my friend’s care was covered, helping me walk confidently with her into our better future.


At such times this symbiotic relationship between you and your ‘wellbeing facilitator’ can be life’s saving grace. I will never underestimate the importance of mine or your best friend.


Affordable healthcare support comes attached to our ‘heart’ based petcare community — one built on empathy, understanding and love. It will make all the difference if you value and cherish your four-legged friend as we do, whatever your circumstance. 


Next month at The Strand Veterinarian we launch our own Complete Health Care plan for your pet. Coupled with pet insurance, this will allow every owner to afford five-star care on a set budget. We want our patients to thrive and with high-end pet healthcare now readily available, the bite-sized payments will just make it now doable.


We don’t always have the power to prevent bad things happening, but we can make sure our patients remain in a state of optimal health. Our mission: guaranteeing best patient outcomes should poor health or injury arise for all who value the precious things in life.

09 377 6667 / thestrandvet.co.nz / Textile Centre, Kenwyn St, Parnell