Tokyo Ride

The Resene Architecture & Design Film Festival Celebrates Its 10th Year

Rialto Cinemas: 6 to 23 May

The Resene Architecture & Design Film Festival celebrates its 10th year with its biggest programme yet, coming soon to Auckland’s Rialto Cinemas from 6 to 23 May. Tickets are on sale now.

The festival is opening with the charming black & white documentary TOKYO RIDE.  Transport yourself to Tokyo in legendary architect Ryue Nishizawa’s vintage Alfa Romeo as he takes you through his hometown, musing on the people and projects that have inspired him, as well as his own work.


Explore the legendary work of Alvar Aalto, one of the greatest modern architects of our time in AALTO. This film is not only about his buildings, but it also explores the relationships Aalto had with his two remarkable wives, Aino and Elissa, both architects and visionary designers in their own right.


Where Architects Live, Bijoy Jain’s Home


Find out about the female abstract artist Hilma af Klint, scandalously denied the title of a pioneer of modern art while her male counterparts (such as Klee, Mondrian and Kandinsky) have been so celebrated. BEYOND THE VISIBLE: HILMA AF KLINT is a documentary dedicated to giving her art the credit it deserves with her exhibitions now attracting millions of people worldwide.


For the garden lovers out there, THE GARDENER is not to be missed. A mesmerising look at famed horticulturist Francis Cabot’s signature creation ‘Les Quatre Vents’, nestled in the hills of Quebec.


Modern Tide: Mid Century Architecture on Long Island


And finally, to celebrate the decade, re-visit some of the hits of festivals’ past. This includes WHERE ARCHITECTS LIVE which gives you a peek into the late Zaha Hadid’s home, FIVE SEASONS: THE GARDENS OF PIET OUDOLF and MODERN TIDE: MID CENTURY ARCHITECTURE ON LONG ISLAND.


With the borders still closed to most of the world, this is your chance to vicariously explore some fascinating destinations through the filmmaker’s lens. Get your tickets now at