
The Eyes Have It

You’ve had other treatments, but your eyes are giving away your secrets… that’s all about to change. Introducing, Tixel®.

Forget everything you thought you knew about cosmetic skin procedures. Say goodbye to treatments that leave you red, raw, and running for cover; there’s a new kid on the block, and it’s doing things differently. Meet Tixel®, the gentle giant of the skincare industry.

While lasers, ultrasound, and radiofrequency pack a punch, Tixel® is turning up the heat –literally! Creating millisecond pulses of heat, it stimulates your cells through a small titanium plate covered in 81 tiny pyramid-shaped projections. But fear not; it isn’t as fierce and fiery as it sounds! 

Tixel® uses heat and motion to elevate, tighten, and breathe new life into your complexion. And she packs a punch when it comes to benefits. Here’s the inside scoop:

Delicate eyes area? We’ve got you!

Unlike other devices, Tixel® is completely safe and effective in treating loose skin and lines around the eyes (we’ve been waiting for device like Tixel®!).

Wrinkles begone!

Wave goodbye to pesky wrinkles and sagging skin that are cramping your style. Tixel® pulls off some serious magic by stimulating collagen production and giving your skin that youthful radiance it deserves.

Damage control.

Time to show acne scars and sun damage who’s boss. Tixel® knows how to dim their spotlight, leaving you with a radiant and flawless complexion that will turn heads wherever you go.

Lunch break? More like beauty break!

We get it – your time is precious. Just another reason why we love Tixel®, with its lightning-fast non-invasive treatment that takes just 15 to 30 minutes. Tixel® delivers results comparable to ablative lasers but without associated downtime.

Tixel® is one of the newest rejuvenation devices on the scene and is available exclusively at Clinic1.

As an introductory offer for Verve readers, use the code “VERVE” and enjoy 10% off Tixel® treatments booked online before 31 August. That’s right, babe, we’re giving you the VIP treatment without breaking the bank. After all, you deserve it!

Ready to experience the magic for yourself? Visit Clinic 1 and make your skin dreams come true, one Tixel® treatment at a time. Check out some amazing before and afters on our website
