The Book Corner July

Whale Oil
Margie Thomson  $40

Once in a while a book comes along that completely catches you by surprise and Whale Oil by Margie Thomson is one such book. I got hold of a copy and read it in one sitting finding it difficult to believe such a shocking episode had taken place in New Zealand. It is the story of Cameron Slater and Matt Blomfield who was attacked by Cameron Slater’s blog Whale Oil. Supposedly the site was the new form of investigative journalism but after extensive court cases and police indifference,  Margie Thomson shows the whole thing up for what it really was. A case of absolute bullying on a huge scale from a man who craved attention and power over those he attacked. It makes hypnotic reading and gives a real insight into the weirdness of rogue blogging and Matt Blomfield’s brave stand against a dreadful bully.

Terrain: Ideas and Inspiration for Decorating the Home and Garden
Greg Lehmkuhl    $75

This delightful book is the armchair gardener’s  best friend. It is full of project after project on how to naturalise your garden and add that style which makes the garden and the space between home and garden into a relaxed informal space. How to decorate creatively, use plants and shrubs as though they were living treasures. Crammed with photographs you will soon be inspired to follow the Terrain style of  casual but clever gardening.

Biographic Dior  Great Lives in Graphic Form
Liz Flavell $23

This book is just one from a fresh new series to hit the bookshelves. The series covers  famous designers, artists and musicians and. the format is highly stylised graphic illustration. Part of the book tells you about the person the next part about their work and the influence it has and the third part is about the full career of the subject. They are a great introduction to the arts or that perfect gift for someone you know has a special interest or brilliant resource material if you are doing research into a particular artist or fashion designer. More releases each month so the list is comprehensive.A very clever publishing concept at a great price.


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