paris mitchell temple

Five minutes of beauty tips with leading Kiwi fashion designer Paris Mitchell Temple, of Paris Georgia.   

paris mitchell temple

What’s your go-to self-care activity?

I go on big morning walks around the water with my daughter. I’m not very good at sitting still and meditating so this is my way of finding peace before I start my day. I try to fit a pilates session in when I can too! I spoil myself with acupuncture and osteopath body work, these treatments keep me feeling relaxed and balanced. All a form of self-love, I guess!


Walk us through your morning and night skincare routine.

Mornings I cleanse with Emma Lewisham and moisturise with Maryse, two locally made brands I adore. I top up with Elta MD sunblock, which has a tint for a little coverage. I smudge RMS Spell on my lips and eyelids, and I’m ready to go.

At night, I use Emma Lewisham’s Supernatural Sleeping Mask twice per week before bed. I use a Mara retinol from Ines Store, too. We drink a lot of fresh ginger tea every night, they say ginger improves skin elasticity and evens skin tone. I think the amount of tea I drink has a positive effect on my skin.

What platforms or publications do you use to keep up with beauty content?

Verve of course! I love supporting local beauty brands and really look to them for guidance. Brands like Sans, Abel, Tronque, and, as I mentioned earlier, Emma Lewisham and Maryse.  I wholeheartedly trust my friends at Ines, they’re always keeping me clued up with skincare via their EDMs.


Any beauty advice? 

As Mum always taught me, moisturise as much as you can, and use sunblock!

paris mitchell temple
paris mitchell temple

Do you have a favourite beauty treatment you look forward to?

I adore Clinic 42 and have had an IPL treatment there that helped me with some pigmentation I experienced after pregnancy. I wouldn’t say it’s relaxing, but it’s been effective.