Simon Kaan, courtesy of Sanderson Contemporary
Simon Kaan, courtesy of Sanderson Contemporary

The Art of July

Curated by Aimee Ralfini

In the wallows of dark and light is July. A sombre month wrapped in a thick veil and glistening wet, its mood reflected throughout the art on show, with this month’s selection of fine-flames presented in alphabetical order. 

Turua Gallery

Immersion – Rachael Mayne Solo Exhibition

From 21 July

Rachael devotes her painterly skills to an impressionistic and abstract style that communicates a sense of human spirit, abstract landscapes and floral paintings. Opening night 5pm 21 July.

10a Turua Street, St Heliers
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 10am-4pm, Sun: 10am-2pm

Anna Miles Gallery

WiWiWaWa – Tyrone Te Waa

8 July – 3 August

Tyrone Te Waa (Ngāti Tūwharetoa), presents his first solo exhibition at the gallery. Born 1992, the artist compares his art-making process to ‘cooking lunch’. Using commonly discarded or donated materials – wood, fabric, paint and string – he combines methods of assembling, binding, hiding, attaching, knotting, connecting, tangling and wrapping to make wearable objects, two dimensional works and large scale installations. His autobiographical and ancestral reflection is informed by research into takatāpui/gay/queer histories in Aotearoa New Zealand.  

 10/30 Upper Queen St

Foenander Galleries

Strange Paradise – Gavin Chai

24 June – 15 July

Atmospheric exterior paintings capture elements of the everyday, evoking a sense of introspection. Despite their often-stark realism, Chai’s masterful paintings have an eerie sense of the surreal, inviting viewers to contemplate the themes of alienation and our longing for connection and meaning. 

Born in 1997, the artist makes his own paint from powdered pigments and oil, and is influenced by the theatrical techniques of light and space from Flemish and Renaissance painters. In this new series Chai depicts isolated or solitary figures in the landscape, creating a sense of subdued drama in a Strange Paradise.  

455 Mt Eden Road

Sanderson Contemporary

Te Au – Simon Kaan and Wi Taepa

4 July – 30 July

Te Au features a suite of new paintings by Simon Kaan and ceramics by Wi Taepa. Kaan and Taepa are two of the most influential senior artists working in ngā toi Māori and Aotearoa today.

A celebrated painter and printmaker, Kaan (Ngāi Tahu, Chinese, Scottish) is known for his serene paintings and prints where land, sea and sky dominate, and the waka is a regular motif. 

Wi Taepa ONZM is a ceramicist of Te Arawa, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Āti Awa descent. He is recognised as a leading figure in contemporary ceramics, and has been at the forefront of promoting uku, the medium of clay, within te ao Māori since the mid-80s. 

Osborne Lane, 2 Kent Street, Newmarket

Studio One Toi Tu

Toku Whakaruruhau – Nga Rangatahi Toa

15 June – 18 August

The exhibition Tōku Whakaruruhau explores the idea of creating a safe space within our communities. This can take various forms for our rangatahi (young people), whose interpretation of a Tōku Whakaruruhau draws from the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā: physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental. Through this visual representation, Ngā Rangatahi Toa encourages visitors to explore what Tōku Whakaruruhau means to them and their whānau.

238 Karangahape Road


Huarere: WeatherEye, WeatherEar – Breath of Weather Collective

4 June – 30 July

Weather is not just happening to us; we are happening to the weather. As our experience of the climate crisis intensifies, Huarere: Weather Eye, Weather Ear presents artworks as sensory alerts to the new weathers, dislodging our hold on scientific facts and offering a means to radically reimagine our relationship to our climate.

The exhibition is Te Tuhi’s contribution to the World Weather Network, a platform connecting 28 arts organisations across the earth in artist-orientated ‘weather stations’. Breath of Weather Collective includes the following artists; Denise Batchelor, Janine Randerson, Julieanna Preston, Kalisolaite ‘Uhila, Layne Waerea, Maureen Lander, Mick Douglas, Nujoom Alghanem, Paul Cullen, Phil Dadson, Rachel Shearer, Ron Bull, Stefan Marks and Stìobhan Lothian.

13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga