
The Art of Death | Highwic

14 September — 27 October 2019
Highwic: 40 Gillies Avenue, Epsom

Taxidermy is an historic artform that is currently having a female-led resurgence. Visit The Art of Death exhibition at Highwic, one of Auckland’s finest Carpenter Gothic houses, presented by The Metropolitan Club in association with Heritage New Zealand and Hendrick’s Gin. Learn about the history of taxidermy and see some fabulous creatures on loan from the Auckland Museum. Discover how a group of young New Zealand artists have taken over the rooms of this historic house with a series of bespoke artworks and installations, inspired by and including taxidermy. These works consider the importance of the human connection to the natural world, the life affirming possibilities found in death, share their gothic visions and explore changing attitudes toward mourning and commemoration practices from the Victorian era to today.

The Art of Death exhibition will be supported by a series of live events and activities including taxidermy classes, ‘Meet the Artist’ sessions, ‘Death Drawing’ experiences, musical interludes and children’s art workshops.

Normal admission prices to Highwic applies: $10 for adults and free for children.

For further details of the exhibitions and events programme please see: themetropolitan.club or highwic.co.nz