artful curation

The Art Of Curation

Your home is looking good, all major renovations are done, the garden is established, its growth well underway, but something is missing… The final touch to bring everything together, the visual crescendo of your personal space: Art.

You’ve collected bits and pieces over the years, but nothing seems to fit quite the way you’d imagined… Perhaps you’re stuck in a rut? Uninspired? Don’t know what you like anymore and want to discover new artists, but you’re not sure where to start. Cue, Julie Green and Clare Mora from Artful Curation. Whether it’s helping you with one work to tie your existing collection together, or curating the entire script for your home, Julie and Clare have you covered.

Artful Curation is an art curation, sourcing, and installation business. The service procures and curates wall art, sculpture, objects, and outdoor art, so all you have to do is think about what you like and enjoy the process of watching your space come alive. Something only art can do.

Clare is recognised as an expert in art and design retailing and developing/mentoring NZ artists locally and internationally, resulting in her running galleries in Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Dubai, Singapore and New York. Julie’s background lies in marketing, technology and logistics. The pair met while volunteering at their sons’ school’s art show… fast forward five years and Artful Curation launched. The rest is history.

Their bespoke service starts with a conversation to ascertain the client’s needs. The pair have myriad tech tools and top galleries at their disposal, they use virtual and augmented reality to help clients visualise what an artwork would look like in their home, and source work from their rolodex of contemporary galleries such as Jonathan Grant, Sanderson, Two Rooms, Whitespace, Trish Clarke, and Gow Langsford. They can even action commissions with artists, advise on lighting, and of course, install the works.

It’s this hands-on, personalised service and independence from any one gallery that enables the team at Artful Curation to truly deliver and sees clients coming back for more. Word of their service has spread like wildfire, with a recent brief requiring an entire house in LA to be populated with New Zealand art during lockdown! A process one would imagine as stressful and fraught, but in reality, was quite the opposite. The client loved the journey, gained confidence in their tastes, and thought the whole process a cool experience.

Verve sat down with the pair for a kōrero (conversation) about Artful Curation.

artful curation

A point of difference with Artful Curation is working with virtual and augmented reality. How did you get involved with this kind of technology and how does it work? 

Julie: Our challenge was really to assist our clients with being able to visualise the artworks in their homes, gardens, or business. Through using digital, VR and AR presentation technology, we take our clients on a journey, presenting their bespoke collection in a professionally curated way. Part of this presentation enables clients to position the artworks on their walls, furniture, floor or in their garden, bringing it all to life. 

It removes the risk, while being convinced that they’re investing in something they love. It’s almost a ‘try before you buy’ process which is novel and the whole family can get involved. It’s one thing to imagine art in your home… it’s another thing to see it there.


Running a business solo isn’t easy, having a trusted business partner is key. How did you develop your working relationship, who does what, and how do your skillsets complement each other?

J: Clare and I met five years ago doing voluntary work at our sons’ school’s art show fundraiser. Clare was doing the art curation and I the marketing.  A friendship began, with a mutual love for art. Fast forward five years, and we launched Artful Curation.

In many ways Clare, and I have similar work experience and interests. We’ve both worked locally and internationally, been closely aligned with developing brands and products, and have solid business experience – Clare having worked with art and design products, me in marketing in book publishing, FMCG, construction, the health industry, and more recently the not-for-profit sector. Working together is a pleasure. We have mutual respect for our abilities and feel comfortable in healthily challenging each other. It’s also really nice to have someone to bounce ideas off. Communication is key. We talk regularly, however, we also allow space to get stuff done. 

But to ensure that we run a tight ship, we have clearly defined roles. Clare is in charge of ‘where the magic happens’, and it is magic. She will take any space – home, garden, office, art exhibition – and transform the interior and exterior environments into beautifully curated experiences with paintings, sculptures, and objects.  Part of this ‘magic’ is taking the client/family on a holistic, bespoke journey where their interests and architectural/interior design requirements are carefully incorporated, their input included every step of the way. It’s the customised journey that results in such a personally curated result and happy clients.

I’m in charge of ‘making the magic happen smoothly, enjoyably, on time, to spec, and transparently’. I’m all about the customer experience being amazing but am the person in the background making everything happen seamlessly.


New Zealand has a unique position with the largest of moats surrounding us to help create a unique environment. What do you think New Zealand artists offer that is unique on a global level?

Clare: Our isolation possibly works in our favour here, as there are many original artists who work away in their studios and sheds, blissfully unrestrained by the weight and boundaries of, for example, European-based artists, as well as the complexities of the art industry. As in other areas of New Zealand innovation, artists can be inspired by their surroundings, ‘give it a go’, work away at an idea, an artistic impulse, for years before it becomes necessary to make a living from it. New Zealand art has a very high level of sophistication, appealing to those who seek to connect with works of art at a deeper, possibly complex, level. It is not ‘obvious’ or ‘loud’ art, it is layered, moody, and often reflective of the country and its mentality.

“New Zealand art has a very high level of sophistication, appealing to those who seek to connect with works of art at a deeper, possibly complex, level.”

Your work requires you to fulfil many roles like art advisor, listener, interior designer, or art-translator. What is the most satisfying?

C: The psychology of matching the artist and artworks to the people who are going to enjoy them. That is a highly delicate process, requiring patience, a bit of a push into new territory, and then seeing the a-ha moment of it connecting. I also love the spatial planning, bringing in the interior experience.

J:  For me, it’s seeing the magic happen when the artworks are positioned then the clients fall in love with them. It makes everything worthwhile. The deep appreciation and the way artworks speak to new owners on such a personal level. Whether it’s the hero piece in the collection, or the inexpensive, beautiful object that’s just perfect. They all have a place.


Many people are art curious but hesitant to go out and buy. What is your advice to them?

J: Come and talk to us, we can help. 

C: We’ll make the journey enjoyable, rewarding, personal, and fun. You meet many fabulous artists and purchase beautiful works. 


What artwork at home is currently giving you the most pleasure and why?

C: The latest piece to join my collection is a Garry Currin work, as well as a Grace Wright. I love them, though I must say, I love all of the pieces, big and small, in my collection.  

J: Like Clare I love all the pieces in my collection, each one arouses memories and meaning as to when and why I purchased them, from the very first artworks I bought from my art school friend and flatmate –incidentally for a packet of toffee pops – through to my most recent purchase, a beautiful sculpture by ceramicist Annie McIver. They all bring joy, just in different ways.

artful curation

If you struggle to imagine how art would look in your home, find the process of purchasing art intimidating, or are unsure about what you want, Artful Curation is for you. Reach out, have a chat then sit back and enjoy the magical process of bringing you home to life with art. Check out the website for contact and other information artfulcuration.art.