
Cole Parrant
Cole Parrant

It is time to stop dreaming and start travelling and what better place to take your first adventure in over a year then a visit to Tasmania? A 7- to 8-hour flight from New Zealand, this unspoilt charming landscape is home to some of the most amazing and unparalleled sights. Getting to explore this southern part of Australia has been this for too long, only possible virtually. But now – with travel opening up this could be your reality. 

The Southern Lights

Considered the best place in the southern hemisphere to see the southern lights, Tasmania is close enough to the south pole, and in the most remote parts (Cockle Creek, being the southern most point, comes highly recommended),  the sight can take your breath away. As the bioluminescence lights the water below and the southern lights light the sky above, you could be tricked into thinking you were somewhere unworldly.

Marakoopa Cave 

A cathedral chamber you don’t have to enter a church for, this cave system will fill you with a natural perspective and some amazing photos to keep everyone ohhing and ahhing at your page. A cave system encompassing streams, long passages and caverns, this underground landscape will leave you in awe, and as one of the best places to see glow worms in Australia, this is something not to be missed.

Totem Pole Cape 

If you are looking for a picture that will show your athleticism and daredevil nature, look no further than the totem poles in the Tasman National Park — 65m high, this would be an accomplishment for anyone. If you are like me, simply photographing these structures (and the people who climb them) is enough of an accomplishment! This is an experience not to be missed.

Wineglass Bay

A bay shaped like a wine glass is on anyone’s list and after a half day walk in this beautiful area you can get a bird’s-eye view of the ‘wineglass’, a bay located within Coles Bay Tasmania. Inviting turquoise water encircled by golden sand and forest, this bay is sure appealing to the eye. One of the top 10 beaches in the world; see it from above and get an enviable shot before heading down for a glass of wine next to the water.

Trowutta Arch

Instagramable views don’t have to take you all day. In fact the Trowutta Arch is a short 10-minute walk along the track creating a natural doorway between what seems like two different worlds. On one side green and lush rocks and foliage surround you, and on the other, jagged and dry rocks are all the eye can see. Be mesmerised by this unusual phenomenon and natural occurrence.

Words – Nicole Healy