clinic42 - marilyn monroe - beauty spots

Spotting Danger

Beauty spots have helped many strikingly beautiful women make their mark, literally. 

Whether it was Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor in the 1950s, Madonna and Cyndi Crawford in the 80s, or Dita Von Teese and Angelina Jolie in the 90s, all were instantly recognisable thanks to their distinctively placed facial moles.

Essentially, beauty spots are a small group of melanocytes – the cells responsible for producing melanin, skin’s natural pigment – that grow in a cluster as opposed to spreading out evenly. 

So while to the Ancient Greeks a facial mole was a sign that you were destined for a future of prosperity, there are a range of reasons people may prefer to have them removed.

At Clinic 42 we treat moles/lesions or changes under the skin for both functional or cosmetic reasons, or if there is concern about possible malignancy.

We also offer mole checks which are quick and painless and can help identify any changes. 

f you opt for removal, there are a number of treatment options available including liquid nitrogen, radio frequency treatment with Surgitron, or definitive excision by minor surgery. Once our doctors have examined your skin, they will advise on the most suitable option.

With all these methods, healing typically takes 10-14 days. The face heals much faster than other areas and if you follow the post procedural advice and keep the area from drying out while healing there is a lower risk of significant scarring.

The treated area will remain pinkish for a few weeks, whilst the skin is younger. As the new skin cells mature, they will more closely resemble the normal colour of the skin.

Depending on the treatment modality employed, the risk of mole/lesion return in the treated area is very low. The doctor will discuss this with you specifically at the time of assessment and treatment.

It’s also important for the first three months after removal of the mole that you minimise your exposure to the sun or UV rays. If you are exposed to the sun, you should ensure you use at least SPF 30+ sunscreen.

The most common treatment removal by Surgitron is $500 for a 45-minute appointment and removal of ONE mole with the doctor; additional moles are $100. But the doctor will discuss the options with you and if you don’t go ahead with removal on the day, you’ll only be charged a consultation fee.

After all, aristocrats in various parts of Western Europe wore mouches, or ‘flies’ adhesive moles made from velvet or moleskin as a unique fashion statement. Placing them in different positions to convey mood. 


If you are interested in seeing a doctor to discuss your options for mole removal or want to find out about the wide range of treatments offered at Clinic 42, visit our website at or contact reception on 09 638 4242 or