Mindful tidying is important: what ‘sparks joy’ makes your life more meaningful.
Marie Kondo’s tidying method, setting your feelings as the criteria for decision-making – i.e. knowing what ‘sparks joy’ – is a mindful way of not only organising physical spaces, but also creating a lifestyle surrounded by what you love.
Here are seven reasons why mindful tidying enriches your life.
1. Visualising your ideal lifestyle
Marie Kondo’s method encourages you to visualise your ideal lifestyle before starting the tidying process. This envisionment serves as a guide, helping to determine which possessions align with the life you want to lead. The focus is on creating a living space that supports your goals and aspirations and contributes to your overall wellbeing.
2. Focus on joy and positivity
The core principle of Marie Kondo’s method is to keep only those items that spark joy. This emphasis on joy and positivity extends to various aspects of your life. By cultivating a mindset that values happiness and fulfilment, you may find yourself making choices that align more closely with your true desires and aspirations.
3. Intentional decision-making
Mindful tidying encourages intentional decision-making when it comes to possessions. It prompts you to consider whether an item truly adds value to your life and aligns with your goals. This intentionality can be applied to other areas of decision making, fostering a more purposeful approach to various aspects of your lifestyle.
Marie Kondo’s method of mindful tidying is not just about organising physical spaces; it’s about creating a lifestyle that aligns with your values, brings you joy, and promotes a sense of well-being. The transformative effects can extend beyond your home, positively influencing how you live your moment and approach various aspects of your life.
4. Emphasis on experiences over material possessions
As you evaluate your belongings based on joy, you may find that your priorities shift towards valuing experiences over material possessions. By cultivating a respectful connection with each item, people will find more value in significance and experiences rather than merely possessing items. This change in perspective can lead to a lifestyle that prioritises meaningful activities, relationships, and personal growth over the accumulation of things.
5. Creating a positive home environment
Tidying is not just about organising – it’s about creating a positive and harmonious home environment. By letting go of excess and surrounding yourself with items that spark joy, you can experience a sense of calm and wellbeing in your living spaces.
6. Sustainable living
Mindful tidying may lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. By being intentional about what you bring into your home, you reduce unnecessary consumption and waste. This shift towards mindful consumption aligns with broader sustainability goals and a more environmentally conscious way of living.
7. Appreciation for the present
The ultimate spark joy of tidying is the mindset to appreciate what you currently have. By surrounding yourself only with items that bring joy and meaning to your life, you can develop a deeper appreciation for each item. This mindful attitude towards possessions will let you cherish what you have in your present life regardless of material possessions or immaterial experiences.