After seeing how positive wellbeing in individuals had a flow-on effect into their careers and businesses, Amanda Cowlrick transitioned from her career in administration finance to holistic healing.
What are the benefits of reiki healing for those who already feel healthy and happy?
Most like some me-time, time that is all about them, and reiki can offer this either in-clinic or by distance. It is also helps reconnect with what is important, reenergising and replenishing your tanks. Sometimes we don’t realise we’re not okay until we become overwhelmed, so having something like reiki to utilise regularly, even when in a good space, can just tweak the beginning of any imbalance before it becomes too big.
You also work in homeopathy, does this complement reiki healing?
Yes, as they are both about energy healing. Homeopathy is part of the holistic circle and can work every deeply within the body. As homeopathy can bring emotions that are long buried to the surface, reiki can then support clients through this journey, alongside it.
You also offer Atua Healing®, a non-invasive form of energy healing. Tell us how this healing practice draws on the traditions of te ao Māori rongoā?
Atua Healing® is a New Zealand based energy healing practice founded by Carmel Cochrane. Atua Healing® draws on the traditions of te ao Māori rongoā through the belief that our ancestors are with us throughout our lives and because of this they can help us connect with the energies of Atua (meaning gods or goddesses). Atua Healing® helps clear blockages that can be caused by reactions to events over our lives.
I see reiki and Atua Healing® as having a relationship but with slightly different energies. Atua Healing® works across the seven energy levels of the body, whereas with reiki it’s just the person’s energy as a whole that you’re utilising.
How do you determine which treatment is most appropriate for your client?
Clients, or their bodies, often intuitively know what treatment they need, so I won’t change a client’s mind if they have already made a choice. If a client is unsure, we will have a chat and work out from there what might work best for them at the current time.
To treat your client’s holistic wellbeing, it is surely very important to understand their emotional and intellectual nature. Opening up in like this might be a confronting process. How do you support your clients through it?
Part of my role is to build rapport, and this can vary from a few minutes to a couple of sessions. In homeopathy, rapport it is a fundamental part of eliciting information from a client to get the best outcome. Most people just want to be listened to and heard, so letting people speak without judgement is an important aspect of this. Using silence as a support tool can be very beneficial as it gives the client time to think and not be rushed. Often, when the flood gates open, people feel a release and want to share. Just being there for them can be enough.