With a career spanning more than two-decades (and still ongoing), award-winning Barfoot & Thompson premium real estate agent, Leila MacDonald, certainly knows a thing or two about the residential property market.
With a reputation for integrity and honesty, Leila remains completely humble also. These qualities have seen her achieve outstanding sale records while delivering the very best service to her clients. A proud mother of three, and a hands-on grandmother of six, nurturing good relationships is clearly embedded in her DNA. Verve spoke to Leila about what life is like at the top of her game.
How long have you been in real estate and what first inspired you to become an agent?
I’ve been an agent with Barfoot & Thompson for 32 years, and previously another eight years in the industry. Being a real estate agent suits me because I love people and I love being active. I don’t like being stuck in an office. Being an agent really is the second best thing to owning your own business.
You have been coined the ‘Queen of Real Estate’, what would you say are your attributes that have led this title?
I look after people, stay true to what I say, and remain honest in everything I do. I always aim to do the very best for who we’re working for. I believe in dealing with all clients and prospective customers with absolute respect.
What makes you stand out from other real estate agents?
What you see is what you get with me. I never pretend to be anything other than myself. I also don’t pay any attention to what is going on in the real estate market. My only concern is that I do the best job possible and that everyone involved in the property transaction achieves what they are seeking and are happy with the outcome.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I am not a housekeeper. I love being out and about meeting with people and selling their houses. The thing I enjoy most is putting people together – when I can see that the vendor and the buyer are the right fit.
What is the most challenging thing about the industry?
What the newspapers have to say about the market. One day they’re saying one thing, the next they’re saying another. My son and real estate partner David and I never listen to the media, we just get on with the job. Another challenge is helping people realise that it makes no difference what the market is doing if you’re selling and buying in the same market.
How has working in real estate shaped you?
I have met and worked for a lot of people along the way – celebrities, as well as people from all walks of life, but that hasn’t changed me in any way. It doesn’t matter to me whether I’m working with a seller or buyer of a $500,000 or $20 million property, they’re all treated the same by us.
You and David must work well together?
Yes, we work very well as a team, both bringing our own skills to the relationship. We have been working together for about 18 years and for us, it’s all about getting the best results for our clients.
How have you juggled motherhood with working life over the years?
My children were all grown up when I started in real estate, so it wasn’t too much of a juggle, however family has always come first. I always make sure that we have time for each other and especially for my grandchildren.
Do you have a motto that you live by?
I never give up until the job is done.
Thoughts on the New Zealand house market at present?
In my 40 years of real estate the market in central Auckland has gone up but never really does it come crashing down – it just levels out. It doesn’t hit rock bottom. I think at the moment the market is levelling off, but it will only be a matter of time before it goes up again. The buyers out there waiting for it to hit rock bottom will be disappointed because it’s never going to.
With your wealth of experience, what one tip would give to a buyer in today’s market? And to a seller?
If you love a property, don’t miss out on it. Go with your gut instinct, don’t rely on other people’s opinions. You are the ones that will be living in the house, so only your opinion matters.