Tany Unkovich

Putting New Zealander’s First

Passionate about championing change, New Zealand First candidate for Epsom, Tanya Unkovich, is paving the path towards a better New Zealand.

Tanya Unkovich may be a newcomer to the world of politics, but she believes every facet of her life has been a preparation for the journey she is embarking upon – a journey to ignite positive change and reshape New Zealand’s trajectory. “I am here to hear the people of New Zealand,” she asserts. “My goal is to empower them instead of creating a community of dependency. I want to empower people to stand up and make something of their lives.”

Steering her path from a finance career, Tanya has for the last 30 years worked as a world-leading life and business coach. She has become a seasoned public speaker and the author of four published books. As a specialist in overcoming adversity and mastering resilience, Tanya’s expertise has been helping people see a way forward after suffering a major challenge or devastating loss. “Drawing from my own experiences – with eating issues and body dysmorphia when I was younger, as well as the grief of losing my husband to cancer – I’ve made it my life’s mission to assist those who are feeling stuck and who have lost their purpose. Whether it’s due to food issues, addiction or hardship, I equip them with tools that can transform their pain and struggles into hope and fulfilment.”

Though committed to elevating the lives of others, Tanya had never thought about entering politics until a few years ago when a conversation about New Zealand’s political landscape resonated deeply. “Something inside of me just clicked and I knew it was my calling,” Tanya recounts. “I shared my idea with my husband that very night, and he wholeheartedly supported it. The following day, I phoned my brother, and his response affirmed what he had anticipated all along – that I was destined for this.”

Initially casting a gaze over her political alignment, Tanya realised that despite being an “intelligent woman”, she had been ticking boxes each election without fully comprehending the policies behind her choices. In 2022, attending a New Zealand First conference marked a turning point.  “From their policies to the people and to the prayer that was offered by Shane Jones before we sat down for dinner – it all resonated, and I knew that New Zealand First was the right party for me.”

Stepping into the upcoming general election fray, Tanya is vying for the Epsom electorate – a community she’s called home since 2005. “Our objective first and foremost, is to ensure the Right Honourable Winston Peters returns to Parliament this year,” she declares. “At 78, he could be putting his feet up, but it’s killing him to see what is happening in our country right now. He refuses to tolerate division, imposed ideologies, and the burgeoning racism. New Zealand First is dedicated to rejuvenating education and dismantling indoctrination by removing gender ideology from the curriculum, especially for our primary school children.

The party is committed to fulfilling St John’s requirements and ensuring adequate funding for Plunket and aged care facilities. Winston has and will continue to champion important causes such as Gumboot Friday. His dedication to standing up for all Kiwis commands our respect. True public service revolves around the people – not personal popularity or self-interest and this is what New Zealand First stands for.”

With fervent conviction, Tanya believes that New Zealand’s course is teetering on a precipice and urgently requires a new direction. “Our nation needs us now more than ever, for we are currently deeply divided,” she says. “New Zealand First embodies commonsense, reverting to grassroot foundations. I will be advocating for the youth and for our seniors. I will stand up and fight for our democracy and unity among our people. I will put all New Zealanders first by asking what they want and then delivering.”

Tanya’s personal passion and motivation to serve also intertwine a critical issue –  mental health. “The current government earmarked $1.9 billion for mental health, but where has it gone?” she asks. “Our youth are suffering from anxiety and depression in unprecedented numbers. A six-month waitlist for public therapy prevails unless you are self-harming – is that the path we want for our youth? Executives burdened with stress and the elderly who are cast aside also warrant attention. We need more resources and more awareness. There’s so much shaming and labelling in this country and it’s exacerbating the mental decline of our people.  We must unite as a nation rather than separate and divide like we did during the pandemic – mostly because of the rules forced upon us.”

In the face of the question of whether change is feasible in New Zealand, Tanya resolutely replies: “That’s the very reason I am stepping into politics – I never relinquish hope. You don’t need a degree in political science to grasp the essence of uniting humanity, extending forgiveness, or rekindling unity. If you are there to stand up and truly serve the people, then you will hear the people – this is the essence of democracy. It’s not about doing what you believe is best for the people and subtly assuming control over their thoughts and actions. It’s about empowering them to think autonomously. My aim, alongside New Zealand First, is to achieve just that.”
