Family Egg Freezing Fertility

Protecting Your Future Family Plans

Egg freezing is a decision that requires careful consideration and realistic expectations.


Dr Devashana Gupta, medical director of Remuera fertility clinic, Repromed, kindly answers our questions about the process.

Why might you consider egg freezing?

Age really does impact your chances of getting pregnant. You’re born with your lifetime supply of eggs and the quality declines over time. Fertility usually peaks in your 20s and by your mid-30’s the number of eggs suitable for conception has reduced by half. By freezing your eggs before this reduction occurs, you may have a better chance of starting a family later in life.

How does egg freezing work?

It’s actually a similar process to the beginning stages of IVF treatment. It starts with daily injections throughout the first 10 days of your cycle to encourage multiple eggs to mature. Once the follicles have grown to the size we’re after, you’ll be given a ‘trigger’ injection to help start the egg maturation process. The eggs are then collected from the ovaries about 36 hours later and frozen using a process called vitrification.

How long can I store my eggs?

As the eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen (at a temperature of -197ÅãC!), they’re technically able to be stored indefinitely, but currently the legal storage limit in Aotearoa is 10 years. You may be able to extend this period by applying to an ethics committee.

How many eggs do I need to freeze?

This is the big question! The amount of eggs you need to freeze will depend on your age at the time of egg freezing, your ovarian reserve level (also known as your AMH level), and the size of family you want. As an example, a 34-year-old would need to freeze at least 12 eggs for a 75% chance of having a baby, whereas a 37-year-old would need to freeze 20 eggs. It’s important to note that more than one cycle of treatment might be needed, depending on how many eggs are successfully collected.

How do I know if egg freezing is right for me?

For the best chance of having children, if you want a family and are in a position to start trying to conceive, a fertility doctor will likely advise you not to delay. If you’re interested in learning more about whether egg freezing is right for you, you can book a free 15-minute phone consultation with one of our Repromed fertility doctors to help you make a decision. You can book online at repromed.co.nz or call 0800 483 105.