kings plant barn

Prep For Winter | Kings Plant Barn

As the chill begins to settle in, it’s time to get ready for winter and tackle those autumn tasks before the colder months arrive. Though the days are getting shorter, and the evenings are getting darker, there’s still lots of colour and life in the garden!

Garden Plants

Hebes, nandinas and coprosmas are perfect for bringing some warm autumn hues to your garden, and for filling up any empty spaces. When planting new trees and shrubs, sprinkle a scoop of Kings 24 Plus into each hole for the best start. 


Plant winter veggie seedlings like broccoli, cauliflower, silverbeet, spinach and cabbage. Protect young plants from the chilly weather with frost cloth. Keep your seedlings happy and healthy by weeding between plants and using bug netting or Quash to protect them from those pesky slugs and snails.


Replant hanging baskets with winter colour, and feed with Kings Fast Food or Kings Sheep Pellets once a month. Hardy and lovely cyclamen are the perfect way to brighten up your winter garden. Plant in shaded areas, in pots or flower beds. Hellebores are another one of our winter colour favourites, blooming sweetly year after year when planted in a shaded spot.

Indoor Plants

As the days get cooler and darker, start planning where to move your houseplants to ensure they get enough light through winter. Reduce watering once the cooler temperatures have set in. 

General Tasks

Move any frost-tender plants to a more sheltered position and cover any larger plants with frost cloth before temperatures plummet. Spraying ornamentals regularly with Groventive or Aquaticus Bugtrol will help keep pests at bay.

For more gardening tips, pop into your local Kings, or visit kings.co.nz.