plants for cats

Plants For Cats

Strand Vets

I’ve fallen in love with two things in my new home: plants and my newly adopted 21-year-old cat who’s been my saviour and sole companion during lockdowns. But, as a vet nurse, I know many plants are toxic, which led me to research some cat-friendly options. Here’s my top 10:


Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum):  Easy to grow and will keep bouncing back even if your cat eats it! They love low-light and are forgiving if you forget to water them, plus they help purify the air. A good sacrificial plant to stop your cat
from eating others.


Bamboo: Are all good for growing indoors and safe for pets.


Bromeliads: From full-sun, indoor or outdoor options, to those that can only tolerate low light, they come in an amazing variety of colours. Watered by filling the leaves.


Rattle Snake (Calathea lancifolia): Love low light, and with their cool markings make a beautiful addition to any house.


Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgessii): A beautiful cactus that flowers in winter with pink to red flowers. Can adapt to different amounts of light, but takes a bit more care requiring frequent watering especially during summer. Soil must be kept moist.


Touch-me-not (Impatiens): Come in a variety of coloured flowers including white, orange, pinks, reds, and purples, either in single or double bud. Need moist well-draining soil.

Parlour palm (Chamaedrea elegans): Do well in warm climates and indoors, requiring only a few hours of indirect light. Add some pet-friendly succulents, like this haworthia, echeveria, or a group of air plants, to your countertop.


Radiator plant (Peperomia): More than 1,000 variations and has a variegated form also. Boast eye catching leaves and are easy to grow, doing well in low light.


Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata): A very cute indoor plant that your cat will love to play with. These plants live a long time if you don’t overwater them.


Herbs like basil, rosemary and thyme are great plants that your pets can eat. They need constant direct sunlight, so liven up the windows!


Baby tears (Soleirolia soleirolii): A great ground cover or dropping plant. If in a hanging basket can also great fun for cats to play with – and are non-toxic. Easy to look after – keep them in filtered light and moist soil.


African violets: These beautiful pops of colour are a childhood favourite that are small enough to fit anywhere. Easy to propagate from a leaf; need good light for the flowers, but not direct as the heat burns the leaves.


Find out more about house plants at

WORDS Jolene Causer
Diploma Feline Vet Nursing
The Strand Veterinarian