
Natural Prebiotic Richness

Packed with fibre, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, yacon beats all other vegetables and fruit when it comes to prebiotics. 

What is yacon and what are the benefits of taking NZFOS+ Yacon Concentrate?

Yacon is a root tuber, high in fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and antioxidant polyphenols like chlorogenic acid. NZFOS+ is a concentrate of these beneficial components, and one serving (12g) has more dietary fibre than 1kg of fresh yacon. 

As a prebiotic, NZFOS+ feeds gut bacteria to make short chain fatty acid – important for regulating hormones like insulin, managing fat like cholesterol, and healing the gut lining, and more!


Is NZFOS+ recommended for everyone? 

NZFOS+ can benefit almost anyone. It’s recommended for diabetics and people with gut disease because of the improvement in gut health, insulin sensitivity, and glucose management. However, for similar reasons it may benefit people looking to reduce cholesterol, manage hormone problems, recover from chemotherapy, and more. It’s best to avoid NZFOS+ if allergic to nightshades.


What does it taste like and how should you take it?

NZFOS+ tastes sweet like honey, with the earthiness of molasses. Take it straight, mixed with water, or food. It’s best below 40°C to preserve the action of the antioxidants. 

What exactly is a prebiotic and why are they beneficial?

Prebiotics feed gut bacteria (probiotics). NZFOS+ feeds over 55 strains of Bifidobacterium and boosts total colonisation by 28%. It’s important because when prebiotics and probiotics mix, short chain fatty acids (post-biotics) are produced. Aside from keeping the microbiome healthy, these post-biotics repair leaky gut, remove fat from the liver, take cholesterol from the arteries, and improve hormone signalling.


NZFOS+ is particularly good for gut health. Tell us more about the communication pathway between the gut and the brain?

The gut is known as the ‘second brain’, and communication signals go both ways! That’s why if you’re stressed you might feel it in your gut – and if you have an unhealthy gut, you’re more likely to suffer stress. The same bacteria and chemicals that live in the gut travel to the brain – this is the communication pathway, and the reason microbiome health is so important. The gut produces most of our serotonin, the chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and so on. We rely on the bacteria in our gut to produce up to 70% of chemicals like serotonin. When we feed our gut bacteria, we are also feeding our brain.


What is particularly unique about the yacon grown in New Zealand? 

We’re in the perfect spot, with UV rays, volcanic soil, and good rain to grow yacon with some of the highest antioxidant levels globally. That’s why NZFOS+ is so antioxidant-rich with 0.13g of polyphenols per serve.