Face natural treatment

Manuka Honey – Skin Saviour For All Skin Types

Finding the right skin treatment for individual needs can be tricky.  Most skincare products are marketed for one specific skin concern—dry, oily, acne, eczema, ageing, sensitive—but in reality our needs are often a bit more complex.


Which is why manuka honey is such a skincare superstar. Applied topically, it works wonders for all skin types and many skin problems.


Acne, Pimples, Breakouts

Manuka honey is the perfect acne or pimple treatment—it is a powerful topical antibacterial but doesn’t aggravate or dry the skin like many other acne treatments. And it’s a multi-tasker: while fighting the angry bacterial infection and redness, it also helps heal and repair the skin, preventing scarring and skin damage. 


Eczema or Dry, Rough Skin

The nourishing qualities of manuka honey transform dull dry skin with regular use, giving skin a healthy radiance. It softens and smooths dry rough skin and draws moisture to the outer skin layers for long lasting hydration and protection against dryness. Manuka honey reduces irritation and redness and helps break the flare/itch/scratch cycle common with eczema, while also stimulating skin repair to restore
skin integrity. 


Premature Ageing, Fine Lines, Wrinkles

Dehydration and inflammation can prematurely age your skin, causing visible lines and a lack of elasticity.  Manuka honey has calming antioxidant properties to refine skin tone and helps plump the skin to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, giving a more youthful dewy complexion.


Minor Wounds and Burns

Once again manuka honey has the whole bag of tricks to deal with damaged or burnt skin.  It has antibacterial activity to fight infection and soothes and calms redness and irritation.  It speeds the healing process and is gentle on the skin so
doesn’t aggravate the delicate new tissue or surrounding area.


How To Use Manuka Honey as a Skin Treatment

Simply apply a thin layer of manuka honey to clean moist skin and leave for 30 minutes then gently rinse off with tepid water. Apply daily for active treatment (MGO250 or higher is recommended) or use 1-2 times a week for natural beauty and
skin maintenance. 


For minor wounds and burns cover the treated area with a clean dressing and reapply daily. For serious wounds medical–grade manuka honey should be used.



Words – Kim Bulder


Manuka Health New Zealand Limited
09 570 1820 | kimb@manukahealth.co.nz
Level 4, 123 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket