men's skincare

Manskin Maintenance

Unless you’re some sort of genetic superfreak, at some point you’ll notice some serious signs of ageing. Face it. Men are different from women. 

Taken at face value that sounds pretty damn obvious, but to get literally and specifically ‘in your face’, men and women have quite different facial needs. Diving in deep here, we can talk hormones and stuff, and get all scientific but, in the true spirit of manliness, let’s focus on the superficial. To cut to the chase, why you need skincare products that are manly specific for manskin maintenance.

Firstly, there are some substantial hormonal differences in the structures of men’s and women’s skin. An obvious one results in beard growth. Hormones aside, there’s likely to be significant differences in lifestyle and personal habits. The results of years before the mast or at the crease, years of exposure to the elements during the course of manly pursuits, sees the lines on the face become deeper, the bags under the eyes darker. This is the price of la vie sportif.

If you’re wanting to delay, or at least reduce, the ravages of the sun and general wear and tear on your skin, you better make sure you have these items in your arsenal:

Eye Cream

That skin under your eyes is paper thin and begins to look more dull and tired. It’s the first area to show that the rigours of life are getting on top of you. And remember to get your recommended allotment of sleep each night, the body is a great self-healer.


The fundamental key to a good cleanser is that it washes the dirt and grime of the day away. Can you live without it? Most probably.  Will it make a definite improvement to what you have going on? Most definitely. Use morning and night.


The only worn leather you should own should be on your belt, jacket, or boots. Certainly not your face. For most us years of sun damage will eventually leave our skin wrinkled and littered with tiny age spots. The stuff that keeps it firm – collagen and elastin – aren’t quite producing the goods like they once were. The easiest way to forestall this is to use a moisturiser with a built-in sunscreen.

Do not give up on yourself. Remember, life is a marathon not a sprint. This is OneMan on a mission to help keep you looking good all the way down the track. And remember, there is no finish line.