
Magnificent Inside A Month

While pursuing a full-time healthy lifestyle takes time and no small amount of commitment, even within a month it’s possible to see and feel real changes to who you are, how you feel, and the way your body responds to life’s challenges. Here are five tips for an instant health and wellbeing boost – you’ll feel the positive effects almost immediately!


Diet is probably the most obvious place to start. It goes without saying, the unhealthier the food you consume, the harder it’s going to be to make a full 180-degree turnaround. 

Focus on replacing fatty foods with fruit and fibre, keep a check on your salt intake, cut down on alcohol, and make food preparation changes such as grilling rather than frying. Topping up the body with vitamins and supplements is a good idea, also.



Movement is vital to the human body, and you don’t have to become an Olympic athlete to see and feel the differences. 

Daily walks and regular running can significantly improve your outlook over the course of a month, with recent research revealing that doing regular 60-second energetic activities broken down into three separate 20-second bursts will bring about noticeable benefits within four weeks. The endorphins created during exercise also make you feel great.



Getting at least seven hours a night is essential if you’re looking to enhance your health – it will also help you hold off illnesses including run-of-the-mill colds and viruses, and more serious ailments including cancer, diabetes, and stress. 

A consistent sleep pattern is also essential as regulation helps the body figure out the best way to recover from twinges, tweaks and other things that hold us back.


Water is absolutely vital for the human body, and arguably the easiest thing on this list to tick off, providing we can drink around two litres of the stuff a day.

What’s more, hydrating offers the body an instant and very noticeable boost, meaning instant gratification for your efforts.



Yoga, pilates, Zumba and a variety of other exercise pastimes are perfect for people looking to become fitter, whilst also boosting happiness and mindfulness. 

Not only will you feel reward for the effort put in, but your inspiration to keep at it and build further will become automatic because feeling good is addictive!