6 – 19 May, Turua Gallery, 10a Turua St, St Heliers
Private viewings and presale – 5 May, opening Night, 6 May

Kylie Rusk returns to Turua Gallery with her solo show, Luminous. Kylie’s passion and obsession for the coastal landscape can be seen in many textures, as she finds herself drawn to the exploration of different angles and subtle variations in colour, light and form. Kylie’s predominate focus with Luminous has been islands off New Zealand’s East Coast, such as the Hen and Chickens Islands, Browns Bay Island, and the Aldermen Islands.
Further works in the show delve into a more personal corner of Kylie’s life. Reflecting on the family farm where she grew up, and which has recently been sold on, Kylie has been able to pay homage to these special lands with atmospheric works evoking a sense of nostalgia.
Kylie also specialises in lithographic prints, and her latest, seen in Luminous, are a stunning celebration of the everchanging Muriwai skyline, where she currently resides. Having the daily inspiration of the wild beauty of Muriwai has motivated Kylie to express the incredible hues of this coast.
Further information can be found at:
Turua Gallery – turuagallery.co.nz
Kylie Rusk – kylierusk.co.nz
Instagram @kylieruskart
Facebook @KylieRuskArtist