fairy light shop
fairy light shop

Light Up!

The Fairy Light Shop

The Fairy Light Shop arrives in Uptown.

Now conveniently located at 20 Mt Eden Road, New Zealand’s premier fairy light supplier, The Fairy Light Shop, has all your decorative lighting needs. Using an exclusive collection of fairy lights, festoons, and lanterns, their experts will turn uninspired spaces into enchanting places.

With a range of power, battery, solar and rechargeable lighting choices, it’s easier than ever to bring the feel-good factor to your home, garden, or business. The Fairy Light Shop’s experienced

staff offers inspired design advice and comprehensive installation tips.

From indoor lights to complement your decor, to outdoor commercial-grade lights that will withstand the elements, The Fairy Light Shop’s range carries a one-year warranty as testament to their quality and commitment to sustainability. 

In addition, the hire department provides a flexible and affordable option for weddings, parties, and other events.

Looking for something to light up your garden on these dark winter evenings? Hang festoon or string lights across courtyards and wrap solar seed lights around tree trunks. Drape net lights over hedges or float some glowing globes in the pool. Icicle or fringe lights come in a range of colours and look fabulous on shop front verandas.

The Fairy Light Shop’s lights can be viewed all over Auckland – wound around trees in Newmarket and Takapuna, and at venues such as Circus Circus, and The Blue Breeze Inn. The showroom’s a stone’s throw from the CBD, with on-site parking. A most unique retail experience — visit to check out their extensive range.