Let’s Eat Out at Uncle Man’s

Despite the intense competition within The Eatery, don’t let the understated décor of this solid newcomer fool you with its own brand of uncomplicated Asian cuisine.


In a world blighted with overlong menus, overworked dishes and overreaching chefs, this is not a menu plumped with Asian culinary clichés. Uncle Man’s authentic cuisine offers sweet relief with its small but appealing menu. Holding fast to its Malaysian roots this newcomer on the block excels at doing simple things well. There is plenty of love in their cheap eat approach with traditional dishes that are worth seeking out.


There are some things you know you can count on such as curry puffs ($9.50), salt and pepper squid ($10), chicken satay ($14.50), lamb satay ($14.50) beef satay ($15.50), roti canai with beef rendang ($15.50), nasi goreng ($14.50), roti canai with dhal curry ($10.50), roti canai with chicken curry ($14), chicken briyani ($16), lamb briyani ($18.50), and nasi lemak with chicken curry ($15). If noodles are your thing, familiar dishes featured are seafood laksa ($15.50), chicken curry laksa ($14.50) mee goreng ($14.50).


Desserts ($9.50) such as dadar gulung, banana fritters and roti bom lend truth to the ‘save some room for’ philosophy. Don’t leave before trying the banana fritters.


Uncle Man’s is an unlicensed affair but there is an adjoining public bar alongside serving a strong list of wine by the glass and beer to match the food.


And the verdict? Don’t expect upmarket dining, just heartily flavoured authentic Malay food served up in an unimposing atmosphere that suits the casual surroundings. This one gets our vote.

Menu: 7 | Cuisine: 7.5 | Service: 7 | Décor: 6 | Value for Money: 8

215 Kepa Rd, Eastridge, Mission Bay  /  09 521 0919