lara franks

Lara Franks

I love making genuine connections with people, being that person on their journey who helps them evolve.


What inspired you to become a life coach?

My background in training and development certainly helped me get started as a life coach, but what inspired me were my own challenges and wanting to be the guide for women that I never had.


Tell us about your personal transitions or self-discoveries. What challenges have you faced, and how did you overcome them?

The most recent – and probably biggest – transition occurred in March 2020 when my role was made redundant. It was tough, but the forced change was exactly what I needed to push myself outside my comfort zone. The first lockdown happened shortly after, so I spent plenty of time alone with my thoughts, reflecting, working on myself, and figuring out what I truly wanted. I did a lot of meditation, reading, exercise and exploring nature, but I think the best tool was creativity. For the first time in ages I wasn’t too busy to write music, sing, dance or do photography. Being able to play and just be, without distractions, helped me figure out my next steps and eventually start my own business. 

You also offer creativity coaching – can you tell us more about this?

Like life coaching, it helps you get to where you want to be, but with a focus on your creative work. It’s also a great space to brainstorm for anyone struggling in the beginning ideation stage.


Is creativity coaching for those creating for work, or for fun, or both?

Definitely both! Whether for business or pleasure, creating should be fun. I’m all about injecting joy into your process so everything flows with ease.


You’ve said creativity coaching not only helps develop artistic talent, but your humanistic talents too, can you elaborate? 

Emotional intelligence, like empathy and compassion; social skills, like respecting others regardless of differences; and practical skills like problem solving, are all examples of humanistic talents. They require looking at different perspectives and ways of doing things. This is creative thinking – which creativity coaching can enhance.


Tell us about your Creative Power programme, and who it’s for? 

It’s about stepping into your authentic creative expression without being fearful of the outcome or comparing your ideas to others’. We’re unfortunately in a time of toxic comparisons, which can limit us creatively. This six-week online group programme is for women wanting to harness their creative abilities, stop self-doubting and learn ways to get unblocked. We start 28 February at 7pm; Earlybird Enrolments are open via my website.


What do you love most about your job and lifestyle?

I love making genuine connections with people and being that person on their journey who helps them evolve. I also love being self-employed! I get to do things on my own terms, and create everyday with a real sense of purpose. If you’d said to me two years ago that I’d be where I am today, I wouldn’t have believed you. It’s amazing how much can change in a short period of time.


Email Lara at hello@larafrankscoaching.com