lip rejuvenation
lip rejuvenation

Kiss Me Quick Before My Lips Disappear

Despite still being hidden behind masks here in New Zealand, lip rejuvenation continues to be in demand.

Decreasing levels of collagen and elastin, gravity, muscle action, and sun damage all contribute to what are commonly called ‘smoker’s lines’. 

As we kiss goodbye to our younger selves, the corners of our mouths begin to turn down, the cupid’s bow begins to flatten, and the lips can start to invert or disappear leaving you with a thin-lipped smile and nowhere to put your lipstick.

The oral ageing process can often be seen much more predominantly in women, as men’s facial hair, even stubble, provides some protection from the sun and slows the effect of photoageing around the mouth.

Some might argue that a big contributor is the belief that women use their facial muscles more than men as they speak more! I won’t be using my facial muscles to comment on this as I’m trying to keep my face as smooth as possible!

Rejuvenation of the lip body and border and restoration of the cupid’s bow can bring the overall appearance of the face back into balance. 

There is a vast range of injecting techniques to suit an equally wide range of lip shapes whatever your preference may be, along with a variety of dermal fillers specially developed for the lip area. 

Our doctors are happy to discuss and help you decide what would best suit your overall face shape and give you a rejuvenated and balanced appearance.

They are also happy to discuss longer term goals for treatment on any other areas of concerns such as:

  • nasolabial folds (lines or folds from the sides of the nose to the end of the lips)
  • perioral area (wrinkles around the lips)
  • hollows under the eyes
  • recreating the jawline and chin
  • marionette lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the 
  • jaw line, accentuating the downturn of the mouth)
  • lifting of the cheek
  • hands
  • temporal hollowing

While we have some patients that are looking for a makeover experience, most still follow a longer-term plan, backing up treatments with an active skincare regime at home.

A good practitioner can visualise what the end result will be and guide you through the process, assessing the results along the way and making adjustments, if necessary, at each stage. The slow but steady approach can also help avoid those awkward “OMG you look so amazing what work have you had done?” moments. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about any of the treatments available at Clinic 42 visit our website at  clinic42.co.nz or contact reception on 09 638 4242 or reception@clinic42.co.nz.