Landlord Rights

Just Rentals | Surplus Rentals In A Slow Market

We must adapt. It’s not a recent occurrence, the market has been slow for more than six months. 

There’s a smaller pool of tenants so we must make sure we’re presenting properties at a high standard and compliant with the Healthy Homes Act. 

Tenants are looking for heat pumps as this is the most important chattel they require. A well-maintained home is essential. Gardens must be tidy and would be a good incentive to include the managing of the lawns and garden into the rent.

A few of our owners, in desperation, are offering one or two weeks’ free rent to entice tenants, but this has not always worked, and they are still on our rental list after weeks of marketing.

Allowing pets helps. We’re surprised by how many tenants have cats, but not so many dogs, and most tenant are responsible animal owners.

It may also be a good idea to lower the rent – it’s much better to have a property rented than standing empty for long periods.

How long this is going to continue, who knows. We need more people coming into the country. With over 20 years in the business, we’ve never experienced anything like this

So, make sure everything is shipshape and you just might find the good tenant that you’ve been looking for. 

Sylvia Lund, Director

40 St Johns Rd, Meadowbank
Sylvia Lund Areinz:
09 528 4818 or 0274 870 550