
Introducing: Yacon

Yacon - a vegetable we didn’t know about, originating in South America and dating all the way back to 500 A.C., is known to be one of the most healthy vegetables available

Rich in fibre, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, the Yacon boasts incredible health benefits and is considered a superfood.

New Zealand Yacon Ltd. is a company that has honed in on the benefits of this kumara looking veg and turned it into a prebiotic concentrate, all so we can reap the benefits ourselves. The Yacon contains Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which is a sugar that doesn’t break down easily in the gut until it reaches the large intestine where it is fermented by good bacteria. When it reaches this part of the digestive system, it feeds the ‘good’ bacteria and also draws in more water to promote easier laxation.




NZFOS+ Yacon Prebiotic is rich in prebiotics, scoring a 60.0 in prebiotic adequacy, thus making it one of the highest-scoring natural supplements when it comes to natural prebiotic richness. These nourish the good bacteria (probiotics) in your gut, which in turn will help protect against infections caused by bad bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella, as well as boost your immune system and help with various digestive problems.

This prebiotic activity also supports lipid metabolism, normal cell division and growth, healthy cholesterol levels, normal cardiovascular system health, and healthy digestive and liver functions. Pre and probiotics work together to create post biotics, these are absorbed into the blood stream where they regulate fat absorption, hormone sensitivity, and cellular healing.

The final components of yacon are flavonoids. This is the plant’s own immune system, and the Yacon in particular is incredibly rich in this. Flavonoids act as a pesticide for the plant to get rid of unwanted bugs, and also promote healing, and it does the same for the body, particularly in the large intestine. Eating three to four times a day brings on a lot of wear and tear in the gut, so these flavonoids keep the lining of our gut intact and healthy. One kind found in this superfood is chlorogenic acid which acts as an antioxidant, repairing broken-down skin cells and promoting anti-ageing properties.

To find out more and to purchase, head to: https://nzyacon.com/products