Davis Funeral Care

“I Don’t Need a Funeral”

Davis Funeral Care

Why those you leave behind do.

Many people believe that having a funeral will be a burden on those left behind, a sad event that everybody feels they ‘have’ to attend. The truth however, is a far cry from this modern belief.

Different cultures have been honoring the dead for thousands of years in many different ways and the downturn of this in recent years is now manifesting itself in negative ways. Ways that are affecting people’s ability to progress on their individual ‘grief journeys’. A funeral does not need to be traditional, religious, public or ‘fussy’. What is important, is to find the appropriate level of comfort and create something that feels right.

Decades ago, a funeral was a much more straightforward affair with a church service, and a burial. But now we have ceremonies for a broad mix of cultural and religious groupings in the community. At Davis Funeral Care, we direct, deliver services and observe the required cultural rights and rituals for Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Catholic, Maori and Pacific Island families as well as secular and non-denominational families.

Today’s funeral can be as traditional or modern as you like. Many people now find a service at home, a beach, a sports club, hall or other such a setting, provides meaning and puts mourners at ease.

Remember – funerals are held for the living because they are the ones who need to move forward in their grief.

In life, we plan things for ourselves. Weddings, birthday parties, pregnancies, purchasing a home, overseas holidays, all major life events really, except our funeral. Why is that? We know it’s going to happen, it’s more certain than anything else in our lives yet we avoid planning it, talking about it, even thinking about it in some cases. Why not create a funeral that’s right for you? You’ll get to choose just how you would like everything to be and your family won’t need to stress when the time comes, they’ll be able to concentrate on being together and sharing stories about all the good times.

It is a common belief that putting all this information in your Will ensures that your wishes will be met. However, in our experience, this does not always happen. Often family members can not find the Will, or it is left in the care of a Solicitor, and is not read for many days or weeks after the person has died. Suddenly the family realise that they haven’t fulfilled the final wishes of their loved one.

For this reason, at Davis Funeral Care, we offer free, no obligation pre arrangement meetings, either at our premises or at your home. Using one of our free future planning guides, your wishes can be left with us, a trusted family member or friend.

Davis Funeral Care

And how much would my funeral likely cost? Simple, we can provide an estimate so that you can prepare financially. Recognising the future impacts of inflation on costs over time, the estimate can be updated at any stage by calling us.

“Put me in a cardboard box and put me out with the rubbish” This is a phrase that’s heard all too often these days.

With such a variety of funeral homes across the country, it’s important to choose one that you can trust. This means looking for one that belongs to the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand and that has qualified Funeral Directors.

Members of the FDANZ are professionals committed to ensuring that the families they serve receive high quality service. FDANZ members are required to observe strict criteria, including codes of ethics and conduct, mandatory ongoing training, and nationally recognised qualifications. By choosing an FDANZ member, you’ll be reassured that they have high quality standards and the very best in service and care.

By choosing formally trained Funeral Directors, with ongoing training requirements, you’ll know their knowledge and understanding of grief care, best practice and legislative requirements is always up to date.

To speak to one of our funeral directors you can simply call us on 09 638 9026 or send an email to office@davisfunerals.co.nz and we can arrange a time to answer any questions or help you make plans for yourself or for someone else.
