
Horoscopes – July 2024


21 June – 22 July

You will benefit from a special talent, enthusiasm or passion which you could turn into income, or extra prestige.  Work is a scurry of activity, and this period also favours stepping up physical activity or health routines. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of your capabilities as well.  If you are prepared to work hard at love, then you should also pass all the relationship exams ahead.


23 July – 22 August

You are markedly introspective at this time, perhaps isolating yourself from worldly activities and acquaintances in some manner. Health issues, generally of a psychosomatic nature, may come to the fore. You may be attracted to alternate ways of living, and to self-study fields, such as psychoanalysis. Socialising on the job, and perhaps even meeting someone through work, is also part of the picture in the second half of the month.


23 September – 22 October

You are bound to experience your fair share of fun, romance, and good times. Creative projects are likely to fare well, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward. Cleaning out closets, re-organising the environment in which you live and work, and other such activities come to the fore. You will win hearts of all your loved ones by showing them love and affection.


23 August – 22 September

There is movement towards a more balanced approach to dealing with practical, worldly matters.  With a spouse or love, a great time is indicated as you will get to express your deep feelings, which will bring closeness and intensity in your life. On the career front, you will experience great success.


23 October – 21 November

This period acts to transform your self-confidence in such a way that you question the source of your confidence to date, and discover a more solid base for pulling up inner strength. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress.


22 November – 21 December

This month will reshape your financial destiny, so analyse the facts and figures when other people’s stake in your affairs will be crucial. You may need to be a total realist about your career and take control of your financial world. This will work well, with further gains. You may also concentrate on your love life. You could take up some form of physical programme that completely changes the way you feel about yourself.


21 March – 19 April

Your efforts now are very constructive, and you are not inclined to want to leave any loose ends untied. You’re likely to derive much satisfaction from taking care of practical concerns in your life. This is a time of long-range planning that will bring you benefits down the road. Healthy risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.


22 December – 19 January

You enjoy an increased ability to concentrate and focus on what really matters to you. The things that give you joy and positive feedback figure prominently this month, and you feel renewed and regenerated. You also feel particularly strong and personally powerful. Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially prolific and prosperous at this time. This is a good period to go for recreation activities to recharge yourselves.


20 April – 20 May

You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around. You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies, and could discover a new hobby or creative talent you never knew you had. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you’ve always wanted to take.


20 January – 18 February

Your sense of adventure runs high this month, and you are itching for a change of pace. You are more effective, in general, in attempts to express your creativity. You have a stronger ability to hold the attention of an audience. This month you will have to run around to earn money and fulfil the needs of family. Expenses are likely to rise, and you have to become economical.


21 May – 20 June

Your creativity and social life are stimulated this month, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively will present themselves. You are able to find a healthy balance between work and play. For some of you, working with a romantic partner could figure. Although you could feel some pressure, you’re always willing to work all the harder to meet your new responsibilities.

WORDS — Manish Kumar Arora


19 February – 20 March

It’s time to formulate some clear goals and plans. Circumstances are such that you need to develop some healthy habits, routines, and schedules. Recognising your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others, and just how much compassion and understanding you can show, is essential now. There is movement towards a more balanced approach to dealing with practical, worldly matters, and your own spiritual growth.