
Horoscopes – August 2024


23 July – 22 August

You focus on what must be done, and can get a lot of smaller projects and tasks completed, and break down bigger ones into smaller chunks. You use your mind to create opportunity, have new experiences, and make your life better. You’re more optimistic, and willing to think bigger. Make sure you act on your ideas and thoughts, or you’ll end up being all talk and no walk.


23 August – 22 September

You have greater drive and energy for the things you love most, your love life, and your hobbies. The more you do that, the better you’ll be. During the second half of the month, your mood will lighten as you focus on having fun and not dealing with serious stuff. You may do well with creative projects and ventures, but aren’t so great with the details and work.


23 October – 21 November

Your emotions and your mind come together, and you say what you mean and mean what you say. Good decisions and hard work brings you to where you want to be, and bad decisions and laziness puts more blocks in your path. You feel more connected to your physical body and to the Earth. You may come across as more sensual, practical, or stable.


23 September – 22 October

This is a great time to work on creating a solid support system to sustain you for months to come. You feel like you’re a part of something bigger, and try to reach out and contribute to the world in some meaningful way. It’s a good month for doing good causes. You can meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends, and are more sociable and open to all.


22 November – 21 December

You turn your focus toward your goals, ambitions, and the direction you life is taking. You want to create long-term plans for achieving your goals, and you can have a more practical attitude. You can feel more connected to your community and get along better with your neighbours. You can also get along better with siblings, young people, and can impart your wisdom.


22 December – 19 January

You benefit when you pay attention to the details, and you find the details easier to spot. You also benefit from being organised, maintaining a clean space, having a routine, and creating some structure in your life. Your alternate self comes out when you have good opportunity. You emerge having a stronger mind and better focus, and know how to be heard.


20 April – 20 May

You may come across as more focused, detailed, or hard-working. You want to work on having better bonds with your family or the people you think of as family, have a better support structure, and have a solid home for you to retreat to. You emerge with a better sense of what friendship means to you, what you can realistically attain in your future, and how to merge your practical side with your dreamy side.


20 January – 18 February

You want to express yourself creatively, and when you do, you might unlock new opportunities. You can also embrace your inner child, remembering what it’s like to have fun like that again, and if you have children, your relationship with them will improve, and they can have new opportunities presented to them. You lead by inspiring people and showing them what you are capable of if they open their hearts and souls.


21 May – 20 June

You plan how you can strengthen your foundation for your future, and how you can become more focused and clear about what you want. You want to streamline everything, and you can clear out the clutter. You benefit from being more practical, stable, calm, and dedicated to whatever you want to do. This behaviour can lead to more doors opening for you. You believe more in yourself and have better self-esteem.


19 February – 20 March

You can be more emotional when it comes to your future, and worry about what will happen, but need to have more confidence in your choices. You’re more open to love, and want to experience the nice side of it. If single, you can have more opportunities, meet lots of new people, and enjoy the attention that you get, but you probably won’t rush to commit to anyone. 


21 June – 22 July

You emerge more willing to explore, expand, and might be on the verge of a high point in your life. You’re a little bit rebellious but find new opportunities waiting for you because of it. You take a casual friendship to the next level or eliminate a friendship, become more involved in a group you belong to or walk away, or get closer to achieving a dream. Or give up on one.

WORDS — Manish Kumar Arora


21 March – 19 April

You come up with new dreams for your future, and work on achieving the future dreams you’ve had. You can focus on financial matters, create budgets and get financial advice, and try to better understand your finances. You can hardly contain yourself, and you want to share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information you’ve learned. You may come across as friendlier, more energetic, and enthusiastic.