There is nothing quite as exciting as that thunk sound as a box of something hits the ground outside your front door. Courier deliveries to home and work, have become commonplace, with so much arriving on our doorsteps neatly encased in bubble wrap or cardboard: anything from toothbrushes to toilet paper, fashion to food, books to booze. A delivery my partner and I look forward to each week – is our HelloFresh box, packed with meals for 3-5 evenings of the week. Being vegetarian, I opted for the Veggie Box, and having prepared HelloFresh meals for the past couple of weeks, I can now outline my experience with HelloFresh
Recipes are quick and easy:
If it is late when you start your preparation, no stress – half an hour down the line – food is almost ready to be eaten. Clear, non-complex recipes are printed on an A4 card – with a different photograph for each new step.
Results are absolutely delish:
HelloFresh herbs and flavourings smell delightful, aromatic and tasty – they are what make each new dish. These little bags of flavour could just be their most powerful secret weapon.
Organisation of the week’s recipes and ingredients is another of the HelloFresh definite strong points. Ingredients for each recipe come packed together in a separate paper bag which is colour coded to match its recipe.
Fun and relaxing:
Prepping the HelloFresh meals together with my partner (he does the chopping, I do the mixing), is thoroughly entertaining and relaxing at the same time. I look forward each evening to sharing a glass of good red, a chat, and consuming the results of our endeavours.
Enough for the next day:
The portion size is generous. Although I opted for a 2 people box, I had enough to fill a lunch box for the next day’s lunch snack.
HelloFresh gets a big tick from me.
Order yours today at
We’re offering Verve readers a $35 off your first HelloFresh order! This means you can get 6 meals for only $59.99! Just use the code Verve or click here!
Words and Photographs: Fran Ninow.