grapes with kate

Grapes with Kate

“My single purpose is to make small parcels of my personal favorite varietals, that represent the best of the Hawke’s Bay, without compromise”

As well as launching her own business, Radburnd Cellars,  in 2017, Kate has been involved with the mentoring programme for Woman in Wine, as well as chairing the Hawke’s bay wine auction which raises funds for Cranford Hospice. She also pioneered the introduction of the winery programme for Sustainable Wine Growing of New Zealand.  Verve caught up with her to find out more.  

What are the first things you do when you have a glass of wine in your hands?

I’m usually just a little bit excited, particularly if it is a wine I haven’t tried before – anticipation is great! I always look at the colour, is it bright and does it reflect the age of the wine? Next, a very generous swirl to provide gentle warming and bring out the best of the aromatics. I take the time to think about the fragrances present. Finally I taste – the final showdown and the little time it takes is always worth it. 


Your first wine memories and how your love for it began?

Around the family dining room table – it was always enjoyed with a meal. My parents loved wine, they passed that intrigue on to me. We often discussed the grape and where it came from. There were many debates. Wine evokes such happiness in my mind.

At what age do you believe children should be allowed their first sip of wine? 

I was about 10 years old when I had little tastes of wine on special occasions with dinner with the family at home. Wine was part of the meal experience and was always discussed. Whatever the age, youngsters should have an interest in tasting, and be supported and educated by parents.


How did you get into winemaking? 

My first job was in Hawke’s Bay as an assistant winemaker after completing a winemaking degree in South Australia. I really loved the science involved in winemaking, and how a winemaker’s role often includes working in sales, marketing, and general business. 

grapes with kate

Tell us more about your approach?

My style has changed as I have matured. As a young winemaker, my wines tended to be more overt, bold in colour, flavour and aroma, and not leave much to the imagination. My intention now is to make beautiful, elegant styles that evolve over time in the bottle. Wines reflective of the variety, first and foremost, structured with acidity and aged in French oak.

grapes with kate

What is your future vision for Radburnd Cellars?

To make ultra-premium, world-class wines that reflect what Hawke’s Bay grows best. Our aim is to connect directly with our customers, providing the best experience they desire.


What is Radburnds Cellars unique selling point? 

Limited volumes of ultra-premium wines in beautiful bespoke packaging, made with experience and love. My wines are all handmade and will age spectacularly well but are also fabulous to enjoy with friends and family now.  

What do you most love about Hawke’s Bay and making your wine there? 

It’s a fabulous region and the vineyards we source fruit from are stunning sites. The potential is just immense. The varieties we make – chardonnay, syrah and a merlot cabernet blend – make some of the finest wines in the world, and that is invigorating!

