clinic 42 skin needling

Getting The Needle

I don’t think many would argue we are in the midst of some challenging times.

Are the kids going to school today or are they staying home? Has someone left the tap running upstairs, or is that the roof leaking again? And did you just cough?!

The saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is not a favourite of ours, but in the case of micro-needling, it really does apply.

Skin needling allows for controlled induction of the skin’s self-repair mechanism. By creating ‘micro injuries’ to the skin with very fine needles, it allows us to infuse various products into the skin to achieve maximum penetration and effect. These injuries prompt the skin to go into healing mode, which includes the release of collagen, elastin and the stimulation of new supporting skin cells, fibroblasts.  This in turn, reduces the signs of aging, like sagging, wrinkles, hollows, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, mild-moderate acne scars and general skin rejuvenation.

At Clinic 42 we offer the latest technology in skin needling with Dermapen 4. Dermapen takes collagen induction therapy to the next level, giving amazing results with less damage, less pain, and less recovery time.

Due to the 16-needle cartridge, the Dermapen glides over the skin for patient comfort while also creating more rejuvenating channels and increased results.

These results can be seen as smoother, firmer, and more rejuvenated-looking skin.

Micro-needling can be safely repeated every 4-6 weeks until you achieve the desired result, and for collagen induction we recommend starting with a course of three treatments.

Dermapen is also a highly effective treatment that minimises scarring by stimulating collagen growth beneath the scar. Multiple treatments are required, and we usually recommend 4-6, but little downtime is needed. There are no current treatments that completely remove scars. But most people will begin to see results after their very first appointment.

While micro-needling might not be everyone’s idea of indulgent self-care time, it’s not as daunting as it may sound. 

There can be some discomfort but the tiny needles are roughly the size of acupuncture needles, and most people find the treatment is tolerable. 

Depending on the depth or aggressiveness of the treatment, it’s possible to experience pin-point bleeding during the treatment but not on-going. You may find temporary redness of the skin for an hour or so, or possibly a day, depending upon the age of the skin and treatment depth.

Although the actual Dermapen treatment takes only about 20-30 minutes, we schedule you for a one-hour appointment to comfortably allow enough time to prepare and aftercare the skin. 

After your treatment, you’ll need to continue to use a good sunscreen.  Do not use any vitamin A, vitamin C, perfumes, or exfoliating products on the treated area for 3-7 days. Do not rub or pick the skin as this may lead to a scar.  Stay out of the sun for 24 hours (including tanning beds). Swimming or other exposures to chemicals should be avoided until your skin has healed. Exercise or other strenuous activity for 24 hours should also be avoided. Sweating and gym sessions can be detrimental due to bacteria.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Dermapen, or any of the treatments available at Clinic 42, or to make a booking you can visit our website at Alternatively you can contact our reception team on 09 638 4242 or