balance for life

Get Life Balance

Verve chats to Gloria Seaman about her work as an Auckland health practitioner at her clinic, Balance for Life.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what led you to establish Balance for Life? 

I was a dancer for 20 years, but I‘d always had a deep interest in alternative healing modalities, psychology, emotions, energy, and why some people get sick and others don’t. I read many books, but was especially inspired by Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God. I knew I wanted to learn to help people find their way to health using holistic healing methods. After reiki initiation in South Africa, I became a heilpraktiker, meaning I’m naturopathic practitioner who has studied anatomy, physiology, pathology, and diagnostic assessment. This training gave me a profound knowledge in basic medicine but still wasn’t quite what I wanted to do. So, I went on to studying iridology, osteo-symbiosis (cranio-sacral and visceral osteopathy), foot reflexology, and Dr Bach Flower Essences. In 2010, I became a certified kinesiologist with NZCK and ICPKP, and later completed one-year, full-time training with the New Zealand School of Professional Hypnotherapy in association with the UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences.


What is a holistic massage?

It’s essentially a full body-massage but includes kinesiology muscle testing to tap into the body’s wisdom by bypassing the critical, judgmental mind. I check on your energetic body and find one priority flower essence to use during massage to balance energy, using acupressure points and ‘listening’ to your body as needed. I will then move on to reiki energy healing, then continue to work on the head with massage and cranial -sacral techniques. After that, I move to your feet and legs, using both massage and foot reflexology, while talking you through a guided meditation. Feeling and being in connection with you, I might get more information which I may integrate into the session. Every session is unique and tailored to each moment.

And the benefits?

At the very least a blissful relaxation, but there are far more, and far deeper benefits. One client put it beautifully:

You gave me one of your lovely treatments in April, just before my return to Scotland. It was a time when I was feeling tremendously disconnected and fearful, which you spotted. It felt like you helped me begin my journey back with positivity and calmness. Thank you so much for that. Being back has had its ups and downs, but I have been investigating my spirituality as you suggested, and found myself in Italy this summer, on the Hill that Breathes in la Marche. It was a week of tai chi, meditation, and guidance in the way of the Tao, and a week in which your words of connection to the universe really began for me. I live with gratitude for all you probably unknowingly gave me. I can only say it is unlike any other massage therapy I have ever experienced. You treated my body but somehow my mind and soul felt healed too. Your choice of Bach Flower Remedy was ideal (I think ‘disconnection’ would be difficult to diagnose without the intuition and skills you possess), and you set me off on my path with renewed energy and strength. With love and light, Emma


Who would most benefit from your therapy?

Those who struggle with anxiety, sleep, and tension, aches and pains in the body. The holistic massage can help with anything that stress makes worse. It’s not just the immediate effects of the session, but, more importantly, the long-term effectiveness through working with the whole story (mind, heart energetic, and physical body) and by equipping them with tools, and maybe a new outlook, hope and positivity.


How does one book? 

Very easy just text, email or go on my website: 021 0221 8085

gloriaseaman@gmail.com gloriacompletehealth.com

I also offer hypnotherapy and kinesiology sessions.