30 minutes
30 minutes
8 portions
450g frozen puff pastry
Flour, for dusting
Scant . cup/40g caster sugar
Scant 1 cup/250g plum butter
1 pinch ground cinnamon
2 cups /500ml double cream
2 Tbsp icing sugar
Lay the two individual puff pastry sheets side by side and let thaw. Preheat the oven to 210°C/Gas Mark 6..
Halve the pastry sheets. Lay one half sheet over the other, brush with water, then roll out over a lightly floured work surface to make two 30cm squares. Cut out two 28–30cm discs and lay each on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Prick each disc several times with a fork. Brush one sheet with water and sprinkle evenly with 20g sugar. Bake for 12–15 minutes, or until golden brown.
Shortly before baking the other disc, brush it with water, sprinkle with the remaining sugar, and cut into 8 equal sections. Separate the sections slightly, leaving a small space between them. Bake the same way as the first disc. Let both discs cool.
Shortly before serving, mix the plum butter with the cinnamon and spread an even layer over the first whole pastry disc. Whip the double cream with the sugar to stiff peaks, put into a pastry bag with a star-shaped nozzle and pipe a thick even layer of the whipped cream over the plum butter. Cover the cream with the second pastry disc cut into sections. Slice into individual portions and serve immediately.

Recipe extracted from The German Cookbook by Alfons Schuhbeck,
published by Phaidon, RRP $90.