rosie holt

Coaching Success

Verve gets some inspiration from Rosie Holt of Rosie Holt High Performance Coaching.

Please let us know a bit about your journey and what led you to start your coaching business?

When running my previous business, I was constantly spinning my wheels in the mud, directionless and surviving on guesswork. I know how much need there is for female founders and creatives to have support when growing their business. Now I help female founders and entrepreneurs get clarity on what gets them results, overcome procrastination and transform their business.


Do you have any words of advice for those wishing to start their own business?

Know that things will go wrong. Having the mindset that all problems have solutions instead of getting derailed by one misstep allows you to continue. We often learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.


What do you believe are the key ingredients for building businesses?

  • A willingness to learn.
  • A willingness to fail.
  • Knowing that a decision made quickly is better than no decision made at all.
  • Having someone to hold you accountable.
  • Ignore the ‘should’ tasks. Focus instead on the things which will get you one step closer to achieving your goals.


Please tell us about the various programmes you offer.

I have four programmes and workshops that help businesses owners, depending on what they’re finding most challenging.

A+ BUSINESS IDEA sessions are 60-minute strategy sessions to help you gain clarity on specific struggles and sticking points. We work through your struggles and identify the specific action steps you need to take to get un-stuck, find solutions to your problems and overcome them.

ASSESS workshops are for businesses who need to get the basics down and lay the groundwork to build a profitable, scalable business. More than just setting goals, we identify your big WHY, and mission and vision.

ACCELERATE  programmes create new beliefs to ensure you’re more productive and gain clarity on the essential tasks which will grow your business and create a robust plan that guarantees you will achieve your goals.

AMPLIFY programmes go one step further with marketing and branding sessions to transform your business, enabling you to get crystal clear on your message, attract perfect-fit clients, and dig deep into your goals.


Can you share a success story of a client achieving good things under your guidance?

The client who comes to mind is Patty who was running three businesses and struggling. There was no certainty, no direction, and no plan for professional or personal growth. She eventually turned her overwhelm, uncertainty and self-doubt into an easy-to-execute, clear plan which made her more focussed and efficient. After just three sessions she had achieved the first of many goals she’d set for herself.


Is there anything more you’d like to add?

Until the end of the year, we’re offering 50% off our six-week ACCELERATE program. If you are a business owner, a creative or an entrepreneur who wants to turn their overwhelm and uncertainty into an easy-to-execute plan that will guarantee you achieve your business and personal goals, I can help. Afterall, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. What have you got to lose?


Instagram @rosie.coaches
Get tickets to our first in person workshop on Saturday February 10th at The Village, Herne Bay.