Clinic 42, Mole Removal
Clinic 42, Mole Removal

Clinic 42 | Mole Removal

Winter’s a popular time to have moles and lesions removed as its easier to cover up and avoid sun exposure during the healing process. But removals can be performed at anytime throughout the year. 


At Clinic 42, we treat moles and lesions, or changes under the skin, for functional or cosmetic reasons, or if there is a concern about possible malignancy. 


We have a number of options for treatment, including liquid nitrogen, radio frequency treatment with Surgitron, or definitive excision by minor surgery. Once our doctors have examined your skin, they will advise you on the most suitable modality.


Liquid nitrogen involves a short, repeated, targeted freezing technique, appropriate for thickened lesions, such as seborrhoeic keratosis (age-related beauty spots), or pre-cancerous changes. 


Radiofrequency Surgitron uses a compact machine to take very thin shavings from the skins surface. This is most suitable for raised, benign lesions, such as skin tags, moles, and larger seborrhoeic keratoses. Local anaesthetic is injected under the lesion prior to removal. Typically no dressing is required, and the huge advantage is the lack of obvious scarring once the area has healed.


Surgical excision is a minor surgery procedure, usually reserved for flat moles or lesions that may be malignant. The lesion is marked, typically in the shape of an ellipse, and local anaesthetic is administered. With sharp dissection, the offending lesion is removed, with a ‘margin of safety’  around it. This excised specimen is sent to the laboratory, so it can be examined under the microscope to ensure clearance of the lesion. One or two layers of stitches are used to bring the skin edges back together, and a simple dressing will be applied. The after care is slightly more than liquid nitrogen and Surgitron, although straightforward.


Healing typically takes around 10-14 days. Some areas of the body, such as the face, heal faster than others. But it is important to follow the post-procedure advice you are given to ensure the best result. 


This often involves:
  • Keeping it hydrated as a dry wound has more risk of significant scarring
  • Modifying some activities in the initial stages of healing
  • Minimising exposure to the sun or UV rays and wearing SPF 30+ sunscreen
  • The treated area will remain pinkish for a few weeks, whilst the skin is younger. As the new skin cells mature, they will more closely resemble the normal colour of the skin.


Depending on the treatment method, the risk of mole or lesion return in the treated area is very low. 


Any procedure where the barrier of the skin is interrupted, comes with some risks, albeit mild and uncommon, including: bleeding, bruising, infection, thickened or unsightly scar formation, and altered sensation in the area. Your doctor will discuss these with you prior to the procedure, and a consent form will be completed. 


Cost varies dependant on method, typically removal by Surgitron (our most common method) is $500 for a 45-minute consultation including removal of ONE mole. Additional moles are $100. If you don’t go ahead on the day you will only be charged a consult fee of $120. We can also quote you for the removal of several moles.

To book an appointment please contact us on 09 638 4242 or email reception@clinic42.co.nz, or find out more at clinic42.co.nz