“Each vintage has its set of challenges where the decisions made determine the outcome for better or for worse,” says...
This month Verve’s star teen reviewer Lucy Kennedy reflects on the sixth season of the iconic Black Mirror.
Traditional Chinese medicine tells us that when a woman reaches menopause she is entering her ‘second spring’. The term stems from the value Chinese culture places on mature women – the respect and reverence held for their life experience and wisdom. Conversely, Western culture can be less than honouring...
“It’s nice there being a certain element of intrigue about the Northern Club,” says the general manager, Nicki de Villiers, as we sit on creaking leather armchairs beside a most welcome open fire. Outside, it’s a clear, but crisp, morning.
At The Strand Veterinarian, we believe we can give every animal companion we meet a great life. The foundations of health are built...