Caring For Indoor Plants

Bring life into your living space with gorgeous indoor plants. With proven wellness and calming benefits, indoor plants also help soften a room and are a must for restyling your indoor spaces.

Kings Plant Barn

There are hundreds of indoor plants to choose from. Keep in mind that many indoor plants come from tropical areas and therefore need consistently warm temperatures, high humidity levels and bright light to thrive. If you’re not sure what plants will do well in certain parts of your house, feel free to take a picture of the space and show Kings staff instore for expert advice.


All indoor plants need more watering in summer and less in winter. Your general, tropical indoor plants like to be watered when the soil is starting to dry (and before significant wilting happens) and can run into trouble if they are consistently drenched. Test the soil’s moisture with your finger to check if it’s wet. Ferns, fittonias and carnivorous plants like being consistently moist, whereas cacti and succulents like to be completely dry in between waterings.


Most indoor plants need bright, indirect light. Choose a brightly lit, warm room to you’re your plant in – keeping it out of direct sun, as it can burn the leaves. Ferns like spaces with more moisture, so bathrooms, laundries or kitchens are the way to go. Cacti, succulents and carnivorous plants are the exception; they can withstand direct sun.


Feeding your plant will keep it healthy and encourage more growth over the warm seasons. Liquid feed with Kings House Plant Food once every 4–6 weeks in spring and summer for fast, strong growth.

Looking for more expert advice? Come and ask our friendly staff instore or give us a call on 0800 PLANTS.