Iconic 90s films

Binge-Worthy Iconic ‘90s Films

As lockdown continues, we’re missing out on movie theatres and the excitement of new releases. If you are like me and are running out of new hobbies to try, sick of knitting and sewing, and constant baking is becoming increasingly worse for your lockdown tum, why not transport yourself and your bubble to a decade where Corona was simply a refreshing beer?

In 2021, we’re lucky enough to enjoy the masterpieces of the ‘90s whenever we please. So, cuddle up with your bubble and settle down for some nights of ‘90s cinema.

IMAGE:  Pretty Woman
WORDS: Ophelia Mason 


Men in Black

How could an iconic ‘90s movie list even exist without this fabulously-dressed duo? Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones bring us everything we could ask for in an alien-slaying FBI team. With the recent remake starring Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, the 2019 MIB may have been the last movie you saw, so why not go back to the beginning with James Edwards and his partner, ’K’?

Edward Scissorhands 

The best way to describe this film is a unique blend of creepy quirkiness. Johnny Depp’s character, Edward, suffers isolation from being an outcast because of his unusual appearance. The ultimate ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ story, the gothic setting and warmth makes it a perfect Halloween movie.

Pulp Fiction

The crime film that secured Quentin Tarantino’s popularity and is one that every movie-lover must watch. This iconic collection of interwoven stories was nominated for seven Oscars.

Pretty Woman

It goes without saying, this ugly-duckling transformation film is one of the most well-known rom-coms ever. Everyone loves a good movie ‘glow-up’, particularly when the one in question simply expresses her beauty on the inside through a new look. It is safe to say Vivian (Julia Roberts) was not in an ideal work environment which only makes us root for her relationship with a wealthy businessman more as he offers her true love and the life she deserves.