
Beyond Building

Words - Paul Leuschke

Architecture is not just a building.

Everyone in the media runs stories on ‘I designed my own house myself’. Yes, you did, but it’s just a collection of rooms, four walls, a door, and a couple windows. Must have a window on each wall. Or I designed the house with a little help from my architect friend.

I had an architectural designer work for me. Much to his horror I called him a draughtsman. After his Christmas holidays he told us that when he started working with us, he thought we were mad, the way we spoke about houses. Apparently over the holidays he had pulled out his previous house designs and realised how farcical they were, just a collection of rooms under a roof. Shows you that a year in an architect’s office can educate you into thinking differently.

I think generally architects are regarded as weird by the public, as we push the boundaries, we make changes from the status quo. We reflect the new technology or new lifestyle. Happily, these become the norm some years later.

Sadly, many housing companies are building the same house that they built 50 years ago. Moving on seems to be a slow process. Ensuites, internal access, media rooms, sculleries, and covered outdoor spaces have been added, but usually to an old plan with the same roof shape and previous facade.

I’m always amused how people want the same house they grew up in but have a brand-new car, the latest TV, every new appliance, everything new, except the house. Why is this? Is it what they really want? Or is it that that is all that’s on offer to them?

Architects are concerned with orientation, sun, views, the connection of rooms, the feel of rooms, the proportions of rooms, the material finishes of rooms, the use of rooms and special efficiency. Most architects aren’t arrogant or elitist, with our clients, we just lead the charge for change and advancement.

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