
Beauty Tips From Polly Markus

Best In Beauty 2024

Some beauty tips from food influencer Polly Markus of Miss Polly’s Kitchen fame. 

Could you walk us through your daily skincare routine?

I start with cleansing my face, using the Emma Lewisham oil cleanser, and my latest obsession is the Emma Lewisham Vitale Face Elixer. I then apply the Supernatural Blemish Face Serum. I have recently started using Korean skincare brand Skin 1004’s Madagascar Centella SPF 50, and to finish off, I use a big pump of the Emma Lewisham Illuminating Brighten Your Day Face Crème. In the evening, I do the same, except I swap the sunblock and illuminating crème for the Emma Lewisham Skinreset Even Skintone Serum, eye crème, and the Supernatural Face Crème Riche. I’m also obsessed with the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask Ex (I use this morning and night). Plus, 3-4 times a week I also apply the Emma Lewisham Supernatural Triple Vitamin A+ oil, and once a week I do an overnight sleep mask.

What’s your ultimate go-to treatment for self-care?

Without fail, I move my body every single day, either through weight training, pilates, or a HITT class, followed by a walk for at least 45 minutes. I love the mornings and how quiet it is before the rest of the world wakes up. I find walking helps clear my mind and sets me up for the day. I’m very active, and with that comes rather tight muscles, so my ultimate selfcare would be a Thai or Balinese massage. Slowly but surely I’m doing more contrast therapy – although during winter the emphasis is on slowly!

Without fail, I move my body every single day, either through weight training, pilates, or a HITT class, followed by a walk for at least 45 minutes.

Any beauty advice for our readers?

When it comes to makeup, I personally like to keep things on the simple side – I think if I was better skilled at applying makeup it would be a different story though. But, I would recommend finding a really good concealer, eyebrow gel, a little highlighter for your cheeks, and a nude lip gloss. Always wear sunscreen! If only I listened to my own advice 15 years ago! There are also really great face tanners in the market like the Dermaviduals one. I use this a lot to give me a sun-kissed look without having to put my face in the sun.

How do you prioritise skincare with such a busy schedule?


I like to keep my morning routine quick but effective (so that I stick to it), and take my time in the evenings, which has become part of my bedtime ritual – it helps me slow down and unwind before I go to sleep.