
Beauty Tips From Hannah Valentine

Best In Beauty 2024

A quick catchup with artist Hannah Valentine about all things beauty – including her work!

Walk us through your daily skincare routine?

My skincare routine is fairly minimal. I cleanse and moisturise morning and night, and face scrub a few times a week. In summer, I sunblock every morning. I often wear a mask when creating work, so try to make sure I look after my skin afterwards!

2024, Wall Works Detail

How do you prioritize your wellbeing with a young family and your work?

I find it a lot easier to fit in exercise in summer when days are longer, it’s always a push in winter but I find making time for a couple of runs a week and getting an early night whenever possible works wonders. Days can be hectic, but everything feels a lot easier on a good night’s sleep!

Do you have a favourite skincare treatment?

I’m more likely to treat myself to a massage than to go for a skincare treatment.  I had a great deep-tissue massage at the spa at Park Hyatt recently, you come out feeling so good.

Hannah Valentine 13e, Photo Cheska Brown, Page Galleries 2022

Where do you source inspiration when creating your art?

Recently, home and our two young boys have been a source of inspiration. I’m interested in physicality and tactile experiences, and seeing their delight in sensory discoveries has played a part in my upcoming exhibition at Page Galleries, Closeness is a diffuse border, which runs from the 15 August – 7 September.