auckland sleep

Sleep Tight

Auckland Sleep takes a comprehensive approach to sleep health. Their unique multi-disciplinary team works together under one roof to create a tailored treatment plan for individual sleep issues rarely resolved with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Can you explain the importance of sleep health?

Research proves that sleep has a significant impact on mood,  mental health, immune status, weight, daytime performance,  heart, and blood sugar.

Does one need a referral to book into Auckland Sleep?

No, we believe everyone should have equal access to sleep health, and always welcome any patient who needs our help. Sometimes we need information from your primary healthcare provider, which  we organise with your consent.

What are the most common sleep disorders that you treat?

Although we treat all sleep disorders, the most common are snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and chronic insomnia.First we ask patients  to complete an  assessment form, discussed with our multidisciplinary team, then we decide on a personalised plan.

Our approach to sleep disorders is one-of-a-kind. With a comprehensive multi-speciality toolkit available in-house, we can address several aspects of sleep disruption, giving patients a nearly three-times higher likelihood of better sleep health.

What kind of sleep assessments and diagnostic tools does Auckland Sleep use?

We have an array of diagnostic tools. We can measure pressure and flow through the upper airway; breathing effort; pulse rate; electrocardiogram (ECG); nocturnal leg movement; body position; snore sound; sleep talking; brain activity (EEG); eye movement (EOG); and arousal (awakening) measurement.

The above help identify disorders such as sleep apnoea; central sleep apnoea; upper airway resistance syndrome; periodic limb movements; heart arrhythmias; REM sleep disorders (punching, flailing, kicking, sitting up in bed, jumping out of bed, talking, yelling or screaming); non-REM disorders (sleep walking, night terrors, sleep related sexual behaviour, confusional arousals); teeth grinding; abnormal nocturnal sounds such as catathrenia; sleep efficiency; and arousal disorders.

One unique type of home-based sleep study that we offer is the Belun Ring ( which measure patients’  sleep for three nights to give us more accurate information adjusted for night-to-night variation. Many of our patients have already tried some over-the-counter devices and we usually ask them to wear them on one night of the test. This helps the patient and us get a more accurate idea of what treatment may benefit them in the long run. 

What resources and support does Auckland Sleep offer to help manage sleep disorders?

We’re passionate about spreading the importance of sleep health. We’ve recently launched a satellite sleep hub project enabling all Kiwis throughout Aotearoa equitable access to good sleep. We also give talks in schools and organisations emphasising the significance of good sleep and how to get it.

How does one know if it’s time to book an appointment at Auckland Sleep?

If it’s a one-off sleep disruptor like a major event or pain from an injury, it’ss likely a temporary blip. However, iIf you haven’t been sleeping well for several weeks, start looking into solutions. We believe early interventions can bring sleep health back on track before it becomes a chronic problem.